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Posts posted by Norse_Viking

  1. On 9/24/2020 at 5:02 AM, CWolf1 said:

    My point is this:  AFK and rage-quitters can make-or-break the outcome of a match.  If AW don't come up with a solution or mechanism to stop this shenanigan then there is no stopping players from "parking" a Spinx in the middle of a map and gain (spotting) points.  

    I prefer a good sphinx spotter, than a suicidal one :) Atleast he is spotting for the team. 

  2. 14 hours ago, Silentstalker said:

    Ask yourselves - what is the GOAL of any proposed changes? Why change things in the first place?

    For my part I really would like new maps to play on. Sure its annoying to meet the statpadders platoons, but they are not unbeatable. I might not be able to outdamage them but I can steal the cap points needed to win.

    As for changes : I really wish there was less wild cards on the maps. Alot of people get distracted by them and spend minutes driving to them to only get the drone or the bunkers. That usually get shoot down the instant they spawn.

  3. If it wasnt for GLOPS mode I wouldnt be playing AW. Burnt out on standard PVP long ago, now I only do some pvp mathces for achivement camo rewards. PVE is entertaining once in awhile. But PVE alone would not keep me here.

    I have always felt that GLOPS actually lets you play vehicles in their intended way compare to PVP(Aka follow the lemming train or your dead). The large maps lets the scouts do their job, supporting the tds and others. Its a fluid game mode, full of action and no battle feels the same.

    As for GLOPS being a pain to balance, atleast start with limiting the freaking mt-lbs, paindads, leclercs t40s, cattbs, 490s and marders just to mention a few. Do not let a platoon team up in glops with 3 cattbs, 3mt-lbs and etc. 

    And I have to say do some solid testing of vehicles and commanders before they get released into the wild. Most of the worst problems we see with 'balance' today can be related to this.

    BTW I would not miss the wildcards in GLOPS if they get removed.

    • Upvote 3

  4. havent watch the replay. But your teams vehicles are better than your Leo as Teykey mentions.

    Last picture Dont use autoaim, use auto aim only if if you are useing fast vehicles with autocannons and you are circling them.

    And remember dead bots are nice cover, use those to push forward so you get all that juicy spotting scores.

    If you use autoaim alot it will really affect your scores in a negative way. So stop rightclikcing tanks and start to manually aim yourself.


    • Upvote 1

  5. You are overthinking this. Move to a objective, bots will spawn. Take a objective, bot will spawn. Defend a objective, bots will spawn. As long as you are not overreaching or way out of the intended route of approach you will not have to much of a problem. Priority targets :All vehicles that use missiles. Deal with them asap.

    Basicly move to a objective, trigger the spawns and deal with them before moving on. This works on just about every pve map.

    The only pve stuff you need to worry about is the tactics used in heroic and some of the later spec ops missons. Fortunatly there are alot of videos explaining how to do those.




  6. For me its more the players and not the arty that is the problem. As long as there are not more than 2 arties on each side.

    However it always seem to me that most arty players are entitled toxic shits, that blame the entire team when they get killed. Because apparantly they should have a personal squad that protects them, when they sit in their corner of the map pumping shells.

    53 minutes ago, TeyKey1 said:

    It makes my blood boil. If anyone here is able to fully explain to me how Arty is going to counter such tanks and campers in general more effective than a good player in a scout. Only by either using the phosphorus shell (which is ineffective to search for campers) or blindshots (ineffective aswell) gets a free upvote :winkseal:.

    I see no way a arty can outperform a scout in getting rid of the campers. The moment a camper is spotted they move, making it hard to hit with arty.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Faure said:

    This very much for sure. Though they don't track me when I'm unspotted. I've played a few arty games, where I went TD mode in the end. I had racked up the most damage by far (yay phosphorus) and as soon as I was spotted I got the aggro. Despite many viable targets sitting there for much longer.

    I usually go TD mode with arty all the way in Pve. And i feel that the moment bots spot me in the arty they reset their agro list and targets me instantly.

  8. In Glops

    Im usually in a tier 10 MBT on cap or on the way to a cap. I also like the afvs or tds that have infantry. I very seldom play the lights.

    10 and 9 tier is what i prefer, and if the queus isnt to long i try 6,7 and 8. 

    Anyway if you see me ingame, and want to frag me. Im usually near the caps. So come and get it :)

  9. This is the commander of choice for alot of the platoons i face in Glops these days and its starting to grind my gears. That extra life boost is annoying as hell. Instead of getting your kill, you still need to get 2 to 3 rounds into the target to get it out of the battlefield. Ofcourse the possibility to harvest some extra damage can be nice, but I rather get the kill instead.


    She need to get her main skill changed/reworked. 

    Suggestion: Get rid of the extra hitpoints. Any shot that would normaly 'kill' the vehicle should just leave the vehicle with 1hp remaining. 

    But i rather see the second chance gone, and she get something else instead.





  10. 10 hours ago, di_duncan said:
    16 hours ago, Qbicle said:

    Global Operations Air Raid Changes

    Changed the number of possible Air Raid wildcard spawn points in the Global Operations mode as such:

    • Ghost Field: Reduced by 25%
    • Roughneck: Reduced by 40% along with a small reduction of AC-130 spawns
    • Panama: Reduced by 20%
    • Grindelwald: Reduced by 50%
    • Narrows, Desert Crossing and Barren Divide: no changes

    THANK FUCKING GOD. I hate how teams/players have become so reliant on bombing runs, to the point where many would rather prioritize the bomber over capturing objectives.

    Finally. Nothing more frustrating than beeing taken out by an airstrike just to be hit again by the next one when you respawned. 

    However I feel that the reduction by 25% on ghostfield is to little.

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