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Posts posted by Katsumoto

  1. I do hope that as part of this whole PvE bot adjustment that they will give it time to collect data before trying to fix stuff.

    Like in the Terminator replacement thread, it did good in PvE, but sucked in PvP, how do you really balance stuff like that.  Making a small adjustment to account for how something does in PvE could have a catastrophic effect on PvP balance.

    I'm also wondering why they don't start at the bottom and work upwards.


    For the UI changes, it would be nice to have some of the controls over the UI elements like we used to have before the HUD change occured.  The whole incoming and outgoing damage tabs on the screen are ones that need some ability to control the most.

  2. There is a part of me that hopes for the best.  The other part of me will start planning for the worst.

    I stopped playing right after the first balance change when the T-14 came out.  At the time players felt that the developers went a whee bit overboard on the balancing.  We have a fraction of the base as we did back then.  If the balance isn't done right, then it's done because it will cause many to walk away.

  3. You know what the biggest issue with these tanks are?  It can be summed up in this one statement that you made:

    On 6/17/2020 at 11:14 AM, haloff1 said:

    Thanks to the great auto cannon...


    In most other  tanks like the AMX you have cover and withdraw from the cover to fire the main gun.  With the AMX there is a mindset that comes into play because it has the auto cannon you feel that you can get away with certain things.

    Instead of using it as a secondary weapon, you pull out to shoot and instead of withdrawing back into cover the AMX driver is hanging out in the open a bit longer to shoot other things with the auto cannon.  After a few times of doing this you will get to a point where you are in over your head and having to fight to get back to cover.  The armor isn't the best but getting hit is getting hit.

    How you should use it is when you take your shot with the main gun if you need to dispose of something that might have say a 100 HP left, hang out a bit longer and get that gun off the field of battle, then withdraw to cover if needed or stop and evaluate your surroundings.  Trying to knock down things with 600 or 700 HP with the auto cannon means that you have to expose yourself for a longer period of time which means you're getting shot at whether you like it or not.

  4. Quote


    • Fixed an issue where, if your Mechanized Infantry got killed while disembarking your vehicle, the vehicle’s doors wouldn’t close

    So, here is the problem.

    • In the T-15 when I deploy the AT squad, the 4th one dies
    • On Anvil, i went to deploy the AT squad and they don't deploy.  I was watching them the second time I go to deploy them and the first one out dies.  Move on to a different part of the map, I decide to "try it again" and again, the first one out dies.  The doors remain open.


    Can we get some sort of QA check done on this before this heads off to the live server?

  5. 4 hours ago, LeoAegisMaximus said:

    The biggest issue between tier 9&10 balance is the penetration and alpha blowout versus their tier 9 counterparts.

    When AW started, the thing I like the most that WoT can't seem to get through their head is that tier 10's were not part of that "untouchable" class.  It was possible for a tier 8 to take down a tier 10, but you had to work for it.  Now if you are up-tiered in a PvP match you can just throw your hands up because of how some of the newer tanks that make tier 10 have this advanced armor and makes it harder to get through.  Likewise in a tier 10 you can cut through anything that is a tier 8 because of the alpha damage and the pen ability versus their armor layout.


    3 minutes ago, TeyKey1 said:

    I hope this won't be implemented into future BPs. Right now this really kills the last bit of motivation I have to play the game

    It also makes it far to even the playing field for new players coming in.  Unlike in some other games its something that doesn't present this huge obstacle to a new player and could keep them around a bit longer.

  6. 13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    GLOPS is inherently imbalanced, has core gameplay flaws and not very popular. Development for GLOPS is effectively finished, don't expect big changes.

    This kind of sucks because there are certain maps that do suck, there are some that are actually fun.  I understand why it might be taken as not being very popular but it sucks that they are taking it away.  it is different than regular rando-PvP matches in a good way.


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    No plans for map blacklists or manual picking in any mode.

    When WoT introduced this, a lot of people complained that it seemed to be a cop-out for how certain maps needed to be balanced and fixed but the devs didn't want to fix them under the cry of "it takes too long to do".  Some of the mod makers said that they had to tools and could make something more workable in a really reasonable amount of time and someone did but they were silenced about it.



    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    York may get rebalanced.

    NO WAY!  What?  Say it isn't so.  Not that people have been complaining about it for how long now?  The biggest issue is that there is no reason for it to have the amount of pen it does at tier 5.

    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    Nork Tonk is overperforming. Type 74 and Type 10 are okay right now.

    To me, the SeonGun seems to be more a one-trick pony in someways with the tap-doubletap-tap burst damage.  Other than that it's an okay MBT.  I could see the shot time between the missiles being changed but again that's my opinion on it.

    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    Type 74 and Type 10 are okay right now.

    This is a good sign.  The Type 74 shows moments of it being a good tank, but I'd have to get it fully upgraded to make sure my opinion would hold true.

    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    .....and Type 10 are okay right now.

    This makes my heart happy :classic_love:


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    No MLRS class because it will always be broken. (note: what the hell is the Pinbad then?)

    The Pindad once I played it really made me take a look at how this was implimented.  It's "arty-not-arty".  It's not good enough to be arty, and it's hard as hell to use without the "arty-view" mode which could change one's evaluation of it.

    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    There will be another Raid. (note: OH GOD PLEASE NO)


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    No MG for the Shadow. Maybe for the 2AX.

    There are a couple of MBT's that don't have a co-axial MG.  I wonder if the 2AX didn't get it because of how the gun sits would sit in the turret and if there would be room for it in the classical location.  But the T-14 has it's MG on top of the turret in a remote mount....


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    Planned overhaul of vehicles to make older ones more relevant, in order to reduce powercreep.

    gEt tHe pItChFoRkS!  This one is going to get buggered up.


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    No plans for a better dirt toggle because the system took a lot of dev time already. (note: just mod it out)

    To be honest, who really asked for it?  I'm sure that there were probably better things to work on than trying to implement this system.  I don't know how many people know that there is as a slider now to adjust how much of it you can see in the garage.


    13 hours ago, Haswell said:

    SS isn't happy with the current tester/playtesting approach, but the devs are in charge.

    NO WAY?  Really?   

    In all honesty, thanks @Silentstalker for bringing this up.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Silentstalker said:

    Why hopeful? EU prices would seriously hurt the incomes from the RU region. Russia isn't doing great economically right now as it is. Reducing the EU prices to the RU level would have the same effect. This, in turn, would reduce the chances of further development and could lead to the game's closure. The people who it would hurt the most would be the fans of the game, who came to love it and are still sticking around (AW still has tons of fans, sometimes I am amazed how many). Like I said, everything comes with a price tag. We're glad that so many still support the game and us working on it and we're glad we can keep working on it. But such is the price for that.

    Then where exactly is the game sitting right now?  When we ask how the game is doing, server population and such we get the answer that everything is great and fine, thumbs up and such.  From the way you word it, you almost make it sound like things aren't doing alright.  Reality being what it is, we don't get to see server population.  We don't get to hear certain things to give us a warm fuzzy feeling.  The way certain sales are going on the market seems to point to the fact that all is not good in the financial sense either.

  8. I'll share my experience with this topic, and the first part of this deals with attitude.

    I had joined a clan at one point in WoT.  I was okay but needed to learn a few things, youth in a game as far as battle count goes I was young.  As time went on we had more and more people come in.  We had picked up a few people that needed to be brought up to speed, one of them was someone that if we needed 12 people for a battle and he was on, we went into battle with 11.  Me being me, it was a crappy feeling but the task at hand was the task at hand, did what I was told away we went.

    On the weekends in the morning a clan mate/friend and I started our weekend follies and had found a particular groove with the tanks and tiers where the battle quality was very high as far as randoms went and we had a blast and didn't care if we won or lost.  This one individual found out about what we were doing and wanted to join in with us and he even said he needed the help, probably didn't realize just how badly.  We decided to take him up under our wing, play some matches with him to find out what was actually wrong, and give it a try at bringing him up from where he was to the next notch up.  With what we were doing and with the battle quality it was a healthy environment to learn in for him and for us to teach in.

    His whole attitude to this whole entire thing was poor from the start.  It was very taxing very quickly.  Both of us lost all interest in trying to help to the point we stopped playing in the mornings because of how bad it was.  To this day he is the reason why I refuse to actively teach like you are asking.  If we are in a platoon I might ask what happened, you tell your side, I compare it to what I think I saw and I'll offer advice.  Unless you live in my hip pocket, no I won't go through that again.


    There are a lot of good players that have tried to help others but in the end the results are a mixed bag.  A lot of it depends on chemistry between the teacher and the student.  A lot of depends on the topic at hand.  There are things that one does naturally and instinctively and not think of it, and they can't explain it.  As @TeyKey1 has said, there are things that just can't be explained during a battle because we can't see what you are seeing.  Sometimes the difference between an "average" player and a "good" player are little details.  Ironically enough the difference between a "good" player and a "great" player are the little details.  Those details are hard to teach, but once you learn them and know what they are for you find that they are really easy to do.


    The one thing I will tell you that some think isn't a big deal but it is full of little details is to start thinking ahead.  Don't think about the shot you have loaded, think about the one after that.  Don't think about whats around the corner, think about what's around the other corner and how you are going to position yourself from where are currently located.  Sometimes that shot that is just right there isn't the one you want to take.  Sometimes when I'm in an MBT and there's a Bradley to my front firing on me but not causing damage I have a threshold of pain for when it needs to go away because my focus is on something that might be more of a threat in the longer run.  One thing I beat up on my XO about all the time is positioning, not just from an offensive or defensive standpoint but how you can support the team or how they can support you.   @TeyKey1 brings up a valid point about situational awareness which is one of those little details.  Sometimes just the act of backing up breaks up the tunnel vision that a lot of us develop on where the reticle is pointed, and that break helps drive your situational awareness up.


    I will  offer a word of advice about videos.  Watching some of these game play videos there is context behind it.  There are always other things that a singular video doesn't show going on behind the scenes and is just a snapshot of that particular time.  Some of these videos with the high damage outputs, or these rare awards are ones that circumstances line up to enable that to occur and they just happened to get it recorded.  Most of them couldn't do it again even if they were paid to.  There are those videos that you watch and go "OH WOW!" but to the trained eye you start to see that they were more lucky than good.  A lot of this rolls back into your basic understanding of the game mechanics.  Please note that this isn't a knock about videos in general but the source of them.  There are some great players that do videos because they genuinely want to help others, but it relies on your understanding to catch the little details that make them great.


    I do wish you luck on your quest to improve.

  9. I went to a Dave & Busters one year that had a set of them there and they were out of commission at the time I showed up.  Sucked to travel all that way but the wings were awesome at the place across the street I went to instead.

    I keep wanting to go to a GenCon, but I hate going to Atlanta.  The traffic itself is enough to put me in a bad mood and won't balance out the fun factor of playing with the pods.

  10. Good morning,

    For those that do not know me, I am Katsumoto (I do go by other names). I am the battalion commander for Evil League Of Demons, or ELOD.  The name came from some of the outright evil things we have done in some other game titles.

    My battalion XO and I have been discussing lately the possibility of recruiting.  We have been burned by some other clans/battalions/etc or fed up with some of the stupid stuff that goes on (such as the recruiter that has a 38% PvP WR and fails at seal clubbing, or the deputy commander that has the 41% PvP WR telling us how to play something he doesn't have or understand basic game mechanics).  We have been quite happy just running ourselves and picking up a few along the way. I’ve decided to open us up some, hopefully to find some like-minded individuals that would like a place to hang their gun and kick their feet up.

    Our goals are not lofty, who we are looking for is. We are not looking to fill a quota. We are looking to start off with enough active people to start doing the small things, then move up to battalion operations, Spec Ops, training, and inter-battalion operations.  We'll keep moving up to the next step, then the next, and the next until either there is nothing else, or we find a happy medium.  Active numbers to get the job done mean more than a full roster of people that are never on or a command staff that is always a no-show.

    So, here is the list of things as part of what we are looking for to join or form a partnership with us:

    In General:

    • There is ZERO tolerance for “certain things”.  You will respect others and treat them fairly. I have a very high standard when it comes to how people are treated.  This is not negotiable.

    • Life. Comes. First.

    • Having fun in game is a priority. The second it starts to feel like work is when we need to start getting paid.

    My Expectations:

    • A team is a team. It is expected that you act within that framework. It doesn’t matter if it as part of our own battalion, or within the scope of working with other battalions or platoons that I hope to partner with in the future. Your actions and conduct reflect who you are.  You reflect who we are.  We win together.  If we lose, we'll do that together too.

    • We don’t want the rock stars, or the player with the 100% win rate over 100 million PvP battles. A player that bust their a** and falls short, but understands the value of the base hit holds more value in my book than the ones that go to bat each and every time to try to knock the ball out into the parking lot.  The former has room to learn and grow, the later are too set in their ways and are not willing to change or adapt.  If you are one of those rock stars, you are going to have to prove yourself to us.  (Author’s note: it is understandable that in PvE if you have to clean house due to how public PvE matches go...).

    • Seal clubbing and stat padding is HIGHLY frowned upon.

    • I intend for us to go into harms way and look for the fight. We as a group will lead from the front line, not the back of the map.

    • Out manned? Out gunned? Out of position?  No problem, that is where the fun isIf you can’t handle that then you don’t need to be here.

    • Honor the fight. This applies even if you are on the winning side. Sore winners suck more than a sore loser.

    • There’s play time, and there’s play time. You need to understand the difference between the two. The latter is where you suit up, grab your gun, and rise to the occasion.

    • It is understandable that everyone has those days where you just want to do your thing and be left alone to relax. I get it.  Everybody has those days.  But keep in mind that we are going to do things and continued reluctance to wanting to join in will have a negative impact.

    • Before we extend an invitation to join the battalion, we are going to play some matches with you and we are going to talk. We are going to look at certain things like if you have the Hero Simplex virus (aka you like to face hug and do stupid things that keeps the rest of the team from being able to help get your out of particular problem, or you act in a way to screw over the fight or others). You are going to be looked at to see how well you work with others and communicate. I don’t care what your win rate is or how many tanks you have.

    To Join:

    • Meet and understand the conditions listed above.

    • We use Discord as our primary means for communications.

    • It is highly desired that you are available during North American evening hours during the weekdays. On the weekends every now and then when peak PvP time is in effect is desired.

    • It is expected that you participate in PvP.

    • Have a decent selection of tanks from tier 5 through 8. We would like you to have at least a couple of tier 9’s or 10’s but it will be understandable if you don’t.

    • You have a basic understanding of game mechanics.

    •  If you can’t be available, talk to us. Most of us are friends in real life, not just on a contact list in a game somewhere.

    • Have a desire to have fun.


    If you have questions or comments, please feel free to message me here on the forum, in game (IGN: Katsumoto), or via Discord (Discord name: Katsumoto).  (Note: I will edit this to add in my XO's contact info after I clear with him putting his name out there).  Private things stay private, public things are fair game to all.  Complaints will normally get answered in 3 to 180 business days and may be filed away in the oblong shaped container with a bottom......


    See you on the battlefield.

  11. I am retired military (US Navy) and was a nuke.  I lived the carrier life and did an instructor tour.

    I started my gaming life in MechWarrior4 and Falcon4.0, then moved through some of the World Of <title.here> products. I jumped on AW when it came out and like a drain, things have circled back around to here. Recently I picked up MechWarrior5 and have started to play around with that while the battle path is going on.

    Every now and then I let my hair down and do something really crazy and wild, like go out in public. I don’t bite (but I’ve had my flu shot” if you understand the reference) and I love doggos.

    Yes, my IGN came from the character Katsumoto from the movie The Last Samurai and his attitude towards everything in general.


    Hope to see you on the battlefield!

  12. 1 hour ago, knutliott said:

    This is precisely why I'm not even going to bother trying to get it.  I'll spend my BC on crates to get the Hunter instead because I feel pretty certain that the Type 10 is going to get nerfed and don't want to get suckered by that again.

    I went ahead and got the CATTB after it was nerfed the first time because I'd already picked up the BroSAT and it sucked (and still does).  The CATTB was still appealing after the first nerf, and honestly it's still good in PvE even after the second nerf.  But I'm worried that the Type 10 isn't OP enough to survive a first nerf, because you know My.com will over-do it when something's only a little too OP.


    I can see a nerf to

    • the auto-loader shot times (move it up to about 2 seconds instead of the 1.78 its at now.)
    • Camo, maybe dial it down a hair.  As it sits in the garage its at 25%, drop the hull it goes down to 35%.  Roving around it sits at about 21%.  Nearest is the Object 490 and 640 at 21%
    • I can see the HEAT round getting a pen nerf.  Damage is between 189 to 891 with a 850mm pen, and it's an MP round to boot.
    • Don't touch my gun EVAR!

    But right now, in my hands, this thing is bonkers and I'm an average player.  Or is it just me and there is a tank that just jives with my skill set and play style.  I don't know.  I'm enjoying the heck out of it right now.

    Like you, I want the Hunter.  The AS21 kind of spoiled me and I enjoy the play style.  I want to see the Hunter and have a go with it as well.

    • Upvote 2

  13. To start the discussion here beginning right meow:

    < A review that I'm going to right goes here >





    A quick run down:

    • This thing is a light tank that is classed as an MBT.  It's almost as if the K2 and the Harimau had a bastard half-child.
    • Great gun handling.  For those of you that know me and how I feel about the Leopards in general, the gun handling is better than the Leopards.  Min spread is at 0.060 with an aim time of 1.38 seconds.  Shot placement at distance in PvP is not a problem as long as you can pen it.
    • 4 round autoloader: You can get off 4 rounds in about 5.3 seconds.  AP is about 2250 and HEAT is about 2700 in burst damage.  In PVE you will run out of ammo.  Even with Alisa I still run out.  My PvE match damage output is 24k with a high of 35k but you have to drive it like you stole it.  Time between shots is 1.78 seconds with a full reload of the autoloader at 11.8 seconds (or 12.44 second at the default) with a sustained DPM as listed in the game specs of over 8000 per minute.  My hate for Bradley's not withstanding, this thing will eat T-15 bots with ease.  With Cortez and HEAT, Bradley's go away in 2 shots.
    • With the augmented optics v2 vision is out to 518 meters.  Right now I'm using Douglas to train him up and he's just a lowely 2nd LT right now.
    • Best in class camo for an MBT.
    • 3000 HP starting off.  It'll for the most part shrug off hits from anything in the beginning but it gets squishy afterwards once the NERA gets worn out.  Protection wise it is okay, still trying to work out the kinks in the armor mechanics for this thing and learning when to shift between MBT and LT modes with it as far as shot avoidance.  With it weighing in at 40 tons, you can not ram stuff with it and not expect to take a huge chunk of damage from it (pro tip: don't trying to ram a Merkava 4).
    • Getting up over 50 kph is not a problem and will pace the Altay and K2 (with hybrid power plant) up hill.


    I can see this thing getting the crap nerfed out of it.

  14. 3 hours ago, CaptKingNF said:

    Awesome to know I am not the only one who noticed the Spotting in PVE is just plan broken. The Perma-spotting is getting annoying.

    I noticed when I was playing GLOPS this morning that it was picky.  I'm trying to keep in mind that on some of the maps, there could have been something spotting me, but in a few places I let smoke off in a particular direction and I was still spotted even if my count of where the enemy team "could" be at, I should have dropped spotting right away.

    Going up against them, there were many times that the other side smoked up and they were gone, so many it might be something with the AI logic.

  15. 2 hours ago, Komitadjie said:

    Those thousand-coin packs are for the *next* battle path, not this one.

    ...but will the next battle path use battle coins?  That thing with the raid missions seemed to steer us in a direction that it might not be the case?

    Is this thing the same for the battle coin coupons that are unlocked for the missions for the Type 10?

  16. 22 hours ago, Lenticulas said:

    4. Hunter AFV - Requirements for this one are unknown, so impossible to judge - but it's an AFV, so something I would probably like to get. How? i don't know.


    On 6/4/2020 at 2:57 AM, Haswell said:

    I’ve seen a reference to the Engima’s Legacy crates. Can you tell me more about them?

    The Engima’s Legacy Loot Crates are in exchange for surplus Battle Coins. They include blueprint pieces of the Hunter Tier 9 Premium AFV (along with a chance for that vehicle to drop directly) as well as pieces of Special Patriot Loot Crates. These Special Crates have to be first assembled and, upon doing so, they drop improved loot, including:

    • Exclusive Premium vehicles (including those from previous Battle Paths, up to Tier 10)
    • Exclusive commanders (including Battle Path ones)
    • Battle Path boosters

    The only thing that is missing is the final tally of how many pieces are going to be needed.

    1 hour ago, Travlla said:





    Yes, that.  That is annoying and hopefully gets fixed really soon.

  17. It's actually descent if you like the Challenger play style.

    It's an 8-round auto-loader with a long reload for the entire loader (I would tell you specifics but the server is down at the moment).  The gun is okay.  Good mobility.  Good armor but not like the normal Challenger 1 sense if that is what you are looking for.

    Bad side is you might want to learn to live without a gun sight and the resultant decrease spotting range.  The gun does get damaged with it getting taken out sometimes.

    When I take mine out I can get top marks, but I usually take a beating in it.  I go hull down and use the nice amount of gun depression with just the gun sticking up.


    A solid premium? You could say that but it is not one that I would put on the top of my list of tier 8's to get. 

  18. I know that the devs have tried to fix the entire spotted issue that we have reported, but is it really fixed?

    I was on Hydra in the PL01 and decided to do the end run about the tanks at the capture point.  I was back behind the hill in the north west corner of the map and came up against a pair of T-15's.  When I popped smoke I started to back up to get cover behind the hill to reload, the "spotted eye" went white but I still managed to take several missiles from the salvo that one of them fired off at me and I took some damage from the other ones autocannon.  Before the vision change this was never a problem.  Depending on when I popped smoke compared to the missile in its flight I would most of the time eat it and the AI would cycle off to another target.

    Is this really fixed?  It doesn't seem to be.

  19. The completion of a challenge will add to the contracts in the workshop to unlock modules

    So any tanks that you have that you need contracts for module unlocks, those will count towards things like unlocking the upgrades on the Type 89, or if you have something from a previous battle path.

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