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Posts posted by knutliott

  1. Albatross             - 10
    Anvil                      - 10
    Banshee               - 11
    Basilisk                 - 10
    Cavalry                  - 10
    Cerberus               - 11
    Dire Wolf               - 7
    Erebos                  - 10
    Frostbite               - 7
    Ghost Hunter       - 7-3 = 4 cap 2 requires randumbs to both attack it quickly, and then once capped not get distracted by irrelevant bots which can prevent you from getting to cap 3 in time.  Awful map to risk playing solo.  It's fine - and actually fun - with a platoon.
    Harbinger              - 10
    Hydra                     - 7
    Kodiak                   - 11
    Leviathan              - 7
    Life Jacket           - 7
    Meltdown             - 11 + 1 = 12 Overall this is a good map that allows all vehicle types to participate, and it gives good rewards.  The final cap isn't as productive in a squishy, but you can at least participate.
    Onyx                      - 10
    Perseus                - 12
    Phalanx                - 10
    Prometheus         - 5 
    Raiding Party       - 7
    Red Opossum      - 10
    Ricochet               - 7
    Rolling Thunder  - 10
    Sapphire               - 7 
    Scorpio                 - 11
    Snake Bite            - 10
    Spearhead           - 7
    Starry Night         - 7 
    Stormy Winter     - 11 
    Tiger Claw           - 10 doesn't exist
    Tsunami               - 1
    Umbrella              - 10
    Watchdog            - 10
    Wildfire                 - 10
    Zero Hour             - 11

    Desert Path        (dead)
    Desert Fox            - 4 
    Desert Saber        - 10
    Desert Strike        - 11 
    Desert Viper         - 10 - 3 = 7 IIRC this is the one where you have to fight your way onto and then off of the carrier, and getting onto the carrier can be difficult with randumbs clogging the ramps up.  Not a good design, even for what's basically a corridor style map.

  2. Is it even possible to finish the 50k XP Elite missions?  The mission only counts in PvE if you get the Blue Star, and since most PvE missions top out at around 800-850 XP/mission that's asking you to run 60 missions in 24 hours.

    Yeah, 24 hours.  The missions auto-reroll every 24 hours.

    They really need to separate PvE and Spec Ops requirements in all of their events.  It looks to me like they design all of the requirements for things that are at least theoretically possible in Spec Ops, but then call them PvE requirements despite the fact that they're not possible in PvE.

    Yeah, I get it, Spec Ops is a form of PvE.  But GLOPS is a form of PvP, too, yet they have separate requirements for those.  So why not do it for Spec Ops and PvE, too?

    I mean, the "get 25 eliminations in one match" missions are almost as bad, but those I can at least see as being theoretically possible in Spec Ops.  I can't see getting 50k XPs in 24 hours in either mode.

    (Even a full x10 Heroics run will only get you around 23k xp, just to put it in perspective...)

  3. On 11/26/2021 at 4:24 AM, Haswell said:

    Depending on how the 2S38 turns out, I may very likely not even bother with access.

    Clever timing on the early access pre-sale, eh?  I've already bought in so I'm kind of trapped.

    Though there's at least the fact that I can simply use my 50k BC to buy my way to the 2S38 if I want, and then ignore the ridiculous extra grind.  Which is too bad, because despite the fact that people think the Kinzhal will be worse than the T-15 I was looking forward to it.

    The level 20 and level 30 rewards are pointless and useless.  At least past BPs have had some interesting vehicles in those positions... these two are bland reskins.


  4. Albatross             - 10
    Anvil                      - 10
    Banshee               - 10
    Basilisk                 - 10
    Cavalry                  - 10
    Cerberus               - 11
    Dire Wolf               - 10
    Erebos                  - 10
    Frostbite               - 7
    Ghost Hunter       - 10
    Harbinger              - 10
    Hydra                     - 7
    Kodiak                   - 11
    Leviathan              - 10 -3 = 7 You literally can't lose unless the entire team dies, and the objectives are strung out all over the Erebos/Prometheus island randomly so that MBTs sometimes literally can't get back and forth between them fast enough.  End-game respawn location is in a trapped location, too, if your team hasn't been doing enough killing.  All of this is mostly mitigated by the fact that it's the best-earning map in PvE for both credits and XP, but that's not enough to avoid getting dinged.  It's a terrible map that you sometimes suffer through for the great rewards.
    Life Jacket           - 7
    Meltdown             - 11
    Onyx                      - 10
    Perseus                - 11 +1 = 12 To me this is easily the best PvE map available.  Every class of vehicle has a role to play, and can excel.  Top notch.
    Phalanx                - 10
    Prometheus         - 5 
    Raiding Party       - 7
    Red Opossum      - 10
    Ricochet               - 7
    Rolling Thunder  - 10
    Sapphire               - 7 
    Scorpio                 - 11
    Snake Bite            - 10
    Spearhead           - 7
    Starry Night         - 7 
    Stormy Winter     - 10
    Tiger Claw           - 10 doesn't exist
    Tsunami               - 10 -3 = 7 I can't believe this map hasn't been dinged yet.  Sometimes you spawn already in LOS and range of bots and they shoot you before you can do anything, and you're attacked from 3 sides right at the start.  The best tactic on this map is to retreat immediately (into the 2 bots that spawn behind you), and then hope that your team isn't full of YOLO idiots.
    Umbrella              - 10
    Watchdog            - 10
    Wildfire                 - 10
    Zero Hour             - 11

    Desert Path          - (-2)  (dead) honestly, the only thing I don't like about this map is the insane blind rush across the bridge with no alternative.  You either perform that rush, probably losing at least one teammate in the process, or you lose.  For me the rest of the map is fine, despite being a small and tight corridor.  The bots come to you, so if 2/5 on your team have brain cells you can easily set up kill zones.
    Desert Fox            - 4 
    Desert Saber        - 10
    Desert Strike        - 11 
    Desert Viper         - 10

  5. Cortez, Erin, and OPhelia are all good in PvE.

    Cortez is just flat-out 15% better average damage (for HEAT... 10% for AP), and as a side effect grants you the ability to know exactly how much damage each of your shots is going to do.  That can be useful at times if you need kills for a mission or something.  He's one of the best PvE commanders, especially for pure damage dealing vehicles.

    Erin is the best commander for stealth, not vision control.  If you need to be stealthy, Erin is your commander.  But she isn't good for vision, so for vehicles that already have reasonably decent camo, Juan Carlos is better for overall vision control.  (He grants a small amount of camo, but a very large VR bonus.)

    OPhelia has good ROF boost that come with negatives, but is primarily useful for her shield.  That's super useful for crunchy vehicles that have a tendency to get spotted and instantly evaporate in PvE.  I've migrated away from her mostly, though, because with most vehicles I can avoid being spotted consistently enough that I don't need OPhelia's shield.  There are a few where it's still useful so that I can play aggressively, though, such as Terminators.

    Austin is just bad.  Avoid.

    Alisa has a couple of quirky uses - extra ammo and ramming damage builds - but is otherwise uninteresting.  Time-to-kill is so low in PvE these days that her main ability - the off-map ally that randomly shoots missiles at her targets - is too slow to be useful.  She might suit your playstyle on a handful of vehicles, but what's more likely is that you'll experiment with her a few times and then never use her again.  So probably not worth paying for.

  6. The low-tier rewards have usually been like level 12 or so.  Level 20 has typically been Tier 6 or 7 or even 8.

    My guess is it will be Tier 20, because that's what you can get from the 50k BC pre-order bundle.  They have no incentive to give out a vehicle at any lower level than that anymore.

  7. 520 pen with a 1.5x multiplier per shot (Griffin 50mm mechanic) means that the 3rd shot has 1170 pen.  I.e. it will pen literally anything it can see with that 3rd shot.

    With that kind of pen it doesn't need to brawl.  It can pen MBTs from out of sight range.  Sure, only 92 damage from a 3-shot burst isn't a ton, but it does mean that nothing is safe.

    We'll see.  I like the idea, but of course the proof remains to be seen.

  8. On 11/8/2021 at 5:27 AM, Qbicle said:

    What’s new is the way the bar will work (even for rotary cannons).

    Uh... how is that different?  Isn't that exactly how the GAU-8 works?  (It sounds like it to me.)

    On 11/8/2021 at 12:44 PM, LeoAegisMaximus said:

    Here's the thing they are buffing ROF but not ammo capacity. 

    Only sort of.  They're buffing burst rate of fire, but the long-term ROF may still be lower due to the need to cool the barrel between bursts.  So the ammo capacity will likely still be fine since you have to pause periodically to cool off your gun anyway.

  9. On 11/8/2021 at 10:23 AM, TeyKey1 said:

    Still vaguely remember the days where we would get such "upgrades" like Kinzhal for free as a module on the respective progression vehicle. Been a long time. 

    Yeah I remember those days, but honestly I don't mind them being separate vehicles.  Having different turrets count as different vehicles is way better than having different skins count as different vehicles.

    Aren't there like 5 different Merkava 2D versions?

    There are 4 different T-72B3 versions, and those aren't even different skins.  Just 1 blank one and 3 different colors (Red, Blue, Green, with Green being the rarest) of the exact same skin.

  10. I'm like Schlock - I've literally never seen that bug.

    Sad, really, because Cerberus was one of the better - read: less brain dead - missions.  You kinda had to pay attention to do it or you'd get jumped by spawning bots where you weren't expecting them.  They were entirely predictable, but you still had to pay attention in case your teammates completed a stage faster than you were expecting.

  11. I like these camos the best of any that they've put into Raids, so they actually got me to try it out.  I used re-rolls to sync up missions which let me complete 5 at once, but then at the next layer out from the center it was basically impossible to get them to sync at all.

    So now I've resorted to whaling for what I want (CATTB, GAU-8, possibly PL-01), and won't get fooled again.

    I'm just ignoring the parts-based camos.  If they can be traded (I haven't looked) I'll probably just make them available within the Battalion.  But they probably can't be traded, so I'll probably just let them sit there in inventory.

    Sort of like the 3 pages of old crates that I have in inventory.

  12. 2S38 will obviously be whatever they make it to be, but it basically looks comparable to a Marder.  Potentially better gun (57mm vs 50mm) and unmanned turret, but worse armor (based on BMP-3).  Not sure what "guided PELE" means.

    Oh yay, another T72 variant.

    Have to wait and see on the autocannon overhaul.  I'm not sure how successful it will be if they think that adding the GAU-8 heat mechanic to all ACs will do anything, seeing as that vehicle is one of the most OP in the game (in PvE).  Most of the time you don't want to fire an autocannon continuously anyway.  You fire it is bursts, some longer, some shorter.  It cools off between volleys.  Even the Shilka is barely hindered by that mechanic at all, and its version of it is pretty aggressive.

  13. 3 hours ago, Aericar said:

    I haven't had the time to do any of these missions, how many do i need to do, to move on to episode 2? i got the week off, so should be able to get it grinded out

    You need 3 total, and there are 3 remaining to complete.  So it's still possible for you to complete Episode 1, but only if you've already been doing Reinforcements to get the SLEP.  If you haven't been doing Reinforcements (which is trivial), then you cannot personally complete Episode 1 but if you're a registered participant in the Storyline Campaign then it is still good for the community for you to do the last 2 missions.

    The community needs to have as many people as possible complete the last 2 missions, which should be pretty easy to complete, so that we can get the rewards and campaign bonuses for them.

  14. 9 hours ago, LeoAegisMaximus said:

    Just played a game with the CATTB, if you play with Douglas you can aggressively push the reload under 12 seconds, 11.77 seconds with my current loadout, the Burlak ready rack is a game changer for the vehicle's playstyle, I would really happily trade and increased burst delay up to 3-4 seconds for more reload time reductions and better after bloom control, needs more HEAT and AP protection for the frontal hull.  

    I played it last night intentionally in order to remind myself of its pre-patch performance, but I haven't had an opportunity to try it yet today.  (And probably won't until after work this evening.)

    Just remember that the XM1A3, which has the same gun and ammo, starts out with a base 9.8 second reload.  It's under 10 seconds to start with, and mods/commanders take it down even further from there.  And the Leclerc T4 starts at 8.4 seconds with a 140mm gun.  Even the ATDU which has notoriously bad reload starts at 11.0 seconds.  The Object 195 and Object 490 152mm guns both start at 11.4 seconds.  So 11.77 for the CATTB with refits and commander can't be described as good by any stretch of imagination.

    If the double tap actually worked properly it wouldn't be so ridiculous.  But that crazy-obnoxious bloom completely ruins the double tap feature, and it takes literally 2-3 seconds before Aim Time kicks in again after the first shot.  So, sure, on paper it looks like you can double tap 2 shots in about a second, but that's not really true beyond about 50m range.  If it had normal bloom then the current stats might actually work, but with the ridiculous bloom its reload needs to be much faster - probably in the 11 second range, but I'd be happy to try 12 to start - because it can't effectively double tap as advertised.

  15. 2 hours ago, Haswell said:

    CATTB buff looks nice, too bad it took over a year to get here.

    We'll see.

    CATTB Improvements

    We are adding a Burlak-style Ready Rack to the vehicle – a special two-round Ready Rack where both rounds have their separate loading timers. Firing one round does not reset the Ready Rack timer for the second one. Additionally, the shell reload time was reduced from 15s to 14s.

    I can see the Burlak-style RR being a slight improvement, but honestly that doesn't feel like a major change to me.  It only reloads 1 shell at a time anyway.  And remember that the CATTB's double-tap feature kind of works against the Burlak's RR feature in that you're more likely to fire both shells at once in the CATTB than you are in the Burlak, leaving you with full reloads for both shells.

    And reducing the shell reload time from 15s to 14s is... nothing.  I've been advocating for 12s as a conservative fix.  28 seconds of down time vs 30 seconds just isn't a real improvement.

  16. If they can both be done in PvE, then I will probably try to do both just to support the people who need to do both.

    And like SS said today... it is better for us (the players) to do as many missions as we can, rather than just doing the minimum 3 required, so that all of the missions end up with better results.  If we just do the minimum, we're going to end up with some pyrrhic victories.  I'm a little worried that's going to happen with the current GLOPS mission and War Games mission.  By all rights, the current Reinforcements/SLEP mission should be a slam-dunk for a Legendary 80% result.  If we can't 80% that one, there's no hope.

  17. On 10/16/2021 at 3:24 PM, Zafir said:

    The initial nerfs were needed, CATTB was immune to HEAT/ATGMs from the front and largely immune to AP, the turret / hull sides were fairly resistant against HEAT/ATGMs.

    Oh, for sure.  The thing was stupidly OPAF when it was first released.  I was just pointing out that it has been nerfed 5-6 times and - AFAIK - never buffed, this despite the fact that the multiple nerfs have been overkill and the tank is now craptastic.

    On 10/16/2021 at 3:24 PM, Zafir said:

    The introduction of significant bloom between shots was necessary to actually make it a short range thing, as well as reduce armour a bit to not let it just drive up to stuff (this was also pre-shipdamage from HEAT MP/ATGMs → No pen = 0 damage).

    I don't recall them ever indicating that the CATTB was supposed to be close-range only, so I'm going to disagree that this was necessary.  The stupidly ridiculous bloom after firing effectively negated the one thing that was supposed to make the tank unique, because if you can only use that one unique thing at 25-50 meter range it's not useful.  (Remember: balanced for PvP, not PvE.  If you have to get to 25-50m range to use your special thing in PvP, you're either about to be dead or the game is already won.)

    As it stands now, the CATTB is pointless.  Which is pretty sad for the ultimate reward from a Battle Path.  If they would give it a competitive gun then its sad armor might be okay, but a 15-second reload for ammo that's strictly worse than the XM1A3's identical ammo is a double penalty where neither were necessary.  Actually give it the XM1A3's ammo that it claims to already have and reduce its reload to 12 seconds as a starting point... that might be enough, but honestly I doubt it.

  18. 4 hours ago, Schlock said:

    Also, to be fair, losing access to Mod.2017 this early would significantly improve overall enjoyment of the entire campaign.

    It would not.  I like playing the Termi 2017 and might abandon the campaign if we lose it this early, because losing it this early would indicate that no one is serious enough about the campaign for us to ultimately be successful.

  19. 14 hours ago, TeyKey1 said:

    looks like they actually put some effort into this one at least. Boring color but it looks good regardless

    Yeah, I like it.  Its black actually looks black unlike the Obsidian Black base paint that's already in the game.  It will be interesting to compare and contrast Obsidian Black with Perihelion Black.

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