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    Source (SS enters voice chat around 00:20:34): https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2317916918 Mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8gXKmnfo0Bk ---- Battle Path: SS will try to include SPGs in the next Battle Path's missions The high requirements for current BP's missions are intended That said, SS will overhaul the missions again for the next BP Battle Coin boosts are not available in ranks, but only via mission chains for this BP, and this is also intended. There are no plans to add garage vehicle filters for BP-specific missions, e.g. sort by Bulwark, Maulers, Remnants, or Seahawks vehicles for Seahawks BP Mechanics: The devs are looking into possible AI improvement, especially as part of (but not limited to) the post-season 0 Shockwave Mode overhaul. They don't want to make the bots too smart and cause players to accuse the bots of cheating, but rather make them more predictable (akin to dungeon mobs in an RPG) as the game's development is shifting more towards PvE in direction. They are aware of bots ignoring player vehicles' smokescreens and soft kill APS as it was mentioned last July. On the other hand, AI is one of the most complex things in the game aside from matchmaking and connections. PanzerMarmelade asks if SPGs can have selectable modules to allow indirect fire for PvE only and while making it direct fire only for PvP, SS replies he and the devs don't want vehicles to have different behaviours in different modes. When asked if the devs can add a live "assist damage" stats table in battle, SS thinks it's hard to answer as it may or may not be very complicated to do. Drones will still come this year (this month), but there will be changes to its mechanics. Drone launches will be limited in numbers, and will use consumable mechanic. Light tanks will get attack drones, whereas scouts like CRAB and SPHINX will get recon drones. The changes are still being finalised, but there will be a new article explaining them. Spec Ops: SS thinks that they way how player vehicles get spotted over a long distance since the helicopter stage of Lone Star and getting bombarded by wide AoE artillery are intended - mostly as an improvisation for them to work. There were a lot of problems regarding their behaviour during that mission's development. SS also thinks that the helicopter not being able to locked on with autoaim is probably intended. (Helicopters in older spec ops can be locked on and even be shot down by self-guided ATGMs though) As for the artillery's wide AoE, SS doesn't think it's a problem; it wasn't brought up frequently in the survey. The level designers are currently working on the second iteration of Shockwave Mode, but Black Company chapter 3 aka Tiger Shark will probably still come in the first half of 2025 (subject to changes). The devs are aware that vehicle achievements for the latest Spec Ops are tedious due to long mission lengths. SS will look into writing new achievements for Tiger Shark. Implementing Apocalypse + Exile spec ops series into weekend War Games is harder than it seems. A lot of things, ranging from UI to the missions themselves, were broken, and the task was delayed by other factors as mentioned in July stream. They plan to get it done in 2025, but no idea how soon or late it will be. The devs are looking into allowing players to choose which spec ops mission to play, but no ETA on that. There are two groups of supertesters: one for EU, and one for RU. The RU group has its own rules for selection and testing things. As for the EU group, SS handpicks the candidates based on how much he trusts them and values their opinions, and the whole process is much easier in comparison. Vehicles: There are plans to add new light tanks, as well as to overhaul the class as a whole. European vehicles will get balance changes in the future. SPG overhaul is considered a success, because it helps increase the play rate. However, the SPGs will be reviewed again in 2025, as they are not yet in a satisfactory state. Autocannon Wiesel is in limbo as it's not at a high priority. The devs don't want to turn it into a contract vehicle though. It may still return as a premium vehicle, or be merged with the progression vehicle (Wiesel TOW), whichever is easier to do. As mentioned in July stream, Object 292 is having problems, even though it's not as bad as T-80BVM's. No ETA available though. Leopard 2A8 will come after Object 292. Modelling has already started. AFT-10 will get a buff because it needs one; its performance is bad in pretty much every mode. This was also asked and confirmed in April's stream. The TOS-1M Buratino was supposed to get a new weak spot below the turret, as well as convergence for the 122mm rockets in late November. The changes did not go live last week, but are still coming in the future. No plans to nerf Boxer RIWP's armour unless it's doing too well statistically. No plans to sell the T-55M1. As for why the Object 640 Black Eagle returns as an obtainable skin in the current BP despite the promise not to sell it again, SS said "well I believe we said that we wouldn't sell it". No plans for more anime style vehicle skins. SS may look into adding an MG to Cheonma-2's stock configuration in order to deal with infantry or other targets CATTB is still doing statistically well according to SS. "Not great, not the best tank in the game, but it's doing OK". (For reference, he reported 48.9% win rate and average damage per match last June on official Discord server) XM1A3's 120mm didn't get any changes in the recent US vehicles buffs, and it's intended by the game designers themselves. SS didn't have much involvement in this, but he acknowledges that the 120mm doesn't seem as viable overall, yet the double-tap burst may compensate for it. He will look into the stats and see if it needs buffs in the future nonetheless. No plans to buff XM1A3's 140mm ammo capacity for now. PanzerMarmelade brings up the issue of SPHINX's and Jaguar's low autocannon ammo capacity again (also brought up in July's stream). SS says he will check the vehicles' damage per match and determine if they need buffs or not. More low tier vehicles planned for 2025, though not as many as higher tier ones. BM Oplot buff is possible, as it's not doing so well. However, the Russian vehicles' ERA took a long time to fix (the models had to be converted to a different format), so SS thinks they may go for a different direction for the Oplot. Buffing HP, however, is feasible, as it has less HP than many other tier 9 MBTs. Regarding top attack ATGMs, SS thinks it's better for something to be less useful than having it OP. There was a time when such missiles were doing a lot of damages, and the solution was to buff vehicle roof armour. As for vehicles like Shadow and K-153C, SS says he can look into buffing them, such as reducing lock-on time. XM2001 Crusader will be a loot crate tank. SS thinks it'd be really fun, and he's fairly confident that players will like it. Others: Regarding DXVK getting removed from game folder, SS says the launcher now deletes any files that it considers inconsistent with the game files. He also states that this move improves the game's stability, as the number of crash reports have dropped by 30%, even though they're not all caused by mods. He re-emphasised that 3rd party adjustments / mods are not officially supported, yet at the same time they are aware that players are so used to them by now that this is an awkward move, so he encourages people who are facing DXVK problems to contact him on how it's installed etc. and he will try to bring this up with the tech guys. Regarding patch notes coming after updates and not before, SS says it's not possible to communicate way in advance, because sometimes the changes are only confirmed at the last minute. The winter marathon event will feature things that players requested, such as Yugoslavia flag, googly eyes decal seen on Abrams tanks, and cheese camo to go with Object 490. There is a suggestion from the audience asking for repair points to refill APS charges, and PanzerMarmelade suggests doing so via consumable. SS says he will look into either options. New gun sounds may come in February or March 2025. The T-72 gun sounds were supposed to come in the Shockwave Update, but it turns out they weren't ready. The devs are aware that AMD Radeon cards are not doing well with this game (known issue with CryEngine). There will be a boost event (income increase?) around Christmas. No plans for new battalion content at the moment. There were plans for a new Battalion vehicle, but there isn't enough resource available and to allocate for such a task. SS would rather not touch this topic until there is a clearer plan on what to do. Rental vehicles are helpful for new players, and is a positive contribution for the Shockwave Update, but they also present a problem, because they have become "gold factories" for older players, which is not intended. Shockwave Mode has heavily impacted the player count in Global Operations. There is a general plan to make changes to Shockwave Mode so that gameplay takes place across the whole map, rather than forcing players to fight around the centre in close combat. Examples include activating turrets. Switching game engines was something considered before, but it was deemed super expensive. They did do a tech demo to review such a possibility before though. The devs have been looking for a dedicated community manager for the English community, but until then SS will still be fronting the public communications (even though he said he doesn't want to); those who can speak English well are either high in the leadership, or are too shy to do the public stuff. Still no plans to remove or change Ophelia's shield, particularly because of her premium nature. SS doesn't defend the 250 EUR price for tier 10 tanks sold in the web shop, as it's not his own decision. His only advice is buy if you think it's worth it, and vice versa. Regarding a comment about how 10 vs 10 GLOPs is mostly playing just playing on the same 3 maps over and over again, SS says it's possible to add more maps to the skirmish pool, but this requires adjustments for individual maps. About 70% of the matches occur on the same 3 maps. The newest PvP map Carson City only saw about 1.5 to 3%, and it's something that devs need to address eventually. When asked if there will be new missions for Heroic mode, SS agrees that there should be more Heroic PvE, but not just for clan content and in a different format ("so stay tuned, I guess"). Shockwave Mode doesn't count as Heroic; the "Heroic" part on mission selection screen is just placeholder text, and the two modes require different mindsets and skillsets. No plans for new retrofits, even though some rather toxic ones were planned at one point. Same for consumables.
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