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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/07/22 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    If at least one person was useful to my mini guide, then I definitely did not waste my time in vain to share it here. Buddy, if I understand you correctly, then you asked about the removal of the machine gun near the main gun of the tank, right? For M1A2 tanks (relevant for all three) you need to open CDF file with the name of the tank you need and completely delete the line: <Attachment Type="CA_BONE" AName="detachpart_turret1" Rotation="1,0,0,0" Position="0.01,2.5,2.3" BoneName="cannonbase" Binding="Objects/vehicles/mbt/cattb/cattb_guns02_turret_cattb.cgf" PA_ReceiveCustomization="1" Flags="0" /> After deleting the line, close the file and agree to the changes. For M1A1 I found only one way: go to the M1A1 folder and then seek and destroy the file "m1a1_cannonbase_m1a1_m256.cgf"
  2. 1 point
    New update has been released!
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