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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/15/20 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    After 5 tries, we finished Spirithaven Spec Ops Chapter 4 on Extreme. A few points taken from this run: There are no internal timers for each objective. The only main concern is keeping Magnus alive when he is surrounded by Bradleys while the flagship thing is also targeting you. In Extreme difficulty he has 15k HP but loses 1k at a time. Assign players on different focus: those destroying Bradleys and those destroying the gun / missile turrets on the flagship. For those destroying the turrets, thermobaric missiles can help as they have a good splash radius. Keep moving when the turrets are about to come online. React too slowly and you may not get out from multiple stacks artillery-like missile strikes. As for the guns, they will aim at you with laser before blasting at you with their one-hit kill guns. As long as the lasers end up beaming on some obstacles, you should be fine, but there are cases where you can still die from them. As for the final phase, have at least one player stay on top to kill bots popping out from spawn, whereas the rest hunker down behind Su-25 wreckages from one-hit kill blasts and defending any potential threats coming to cap. Regarding the screenshot with safe spots, I decided to parallel park on the left because the T-15 is quite long, and the wreckage may not cover the vehicle fully from bombardment if you park sideways. BMPTs are fine though; you can shove at least four of them in that spot.
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