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  1. 1 point
    (Repost of my original guide) Figured I might as well make a guide for the contract missions on how I complete them most efficiently. Most of them become really easy when you cherrypick specific maps to play on. As usual, please don't take my word as gospel, remember this is all subjective. Daily missions: Can be completed on standard and hardcore missions, and all levels of Spec Ops. No shame in playing standard missions if you just want to get them done. Firestarter Start 10 fires. Just spam HEAT at everything. Aim for ammo racks, fuel tanks and engines if you're a tryhard. Sometimes you get random fires on your killing shots too, so you'd likely accidentally get this done without even trying. Use a Wilk and spam PELE. PREFERRED MAPS: -Snake Bite -Meltdown -Stormy Winter -Cerberus -Onyx Tireless Support Farm 5000 assist damage for 10 matches. Assist damage have different priorities: 1) designated targets, 2) de-tracked targets, and 3) spotted targets. This means if you de-track a target that someone else has spotted, you will then "steal" that assist damage. Likewise if you designate a de-tracked target. Be aware that others can do the same to you, so the best way to farm assist damage is to simply de-track everything yourself after spotting them. PREFERRED MAPS: -Snake Bite -Quarterback -Watchdog -Umbrella More Damage! Farm 10k damage for 10 matches. That basically means play 10 matches, if you're not racking up at least 10k damage in every single match at tier 4 or higher, you have bigger problems to worry about. PREFERRED MAPS: -Do you really need to cherrypick missions just to farm 10k damage? Expert Tankman! Place top 3 XP ranking for 10 matches. Yeah... I really don't think I need to add instructions for this. If you can't consistently get top 3 XP ranking, that's a player problem. PREFERRED MAPS: -None Headhunter Farm 10 kills + assists for 10 matches. Pretty much the same as farming 10k damage, though you might want to avoid short maps to make your life slightly easier. PREFERRED MAPS: -None Semper Fi! Deal 2k damage from infantry for 10 matches. This can be fairly annoying if you aren't familiar with map positions already, since infantry have limited range and you don't want them to get stomped on by autocannon bots. Best done using AT infantry because of their high DPM and consistency over mortars. Slightly easier to complete at high tiers because infantry damage scales with their tier. PREFERRED MAPS: -Stormy Winter -Snake Bite -Dire Wolf -Umbrella -Life Jacket Cute animal break. Weekly missions: Can only be completed on hardcore missions and all levels of Spec Ops. Not that they are particularly hard if you cherrypick your maps. Support Fire Medals Get 5 Support Fire medals. Farm the most number of ASSISTS, at least 15, for 5 matches. This can sometimes be annoying, but it basically boils down to shooting everything at least once WITHOUT killing them. De-tracking and spotting damage also count towards assists, but that can sometimes be finicky. PREFERRED MAPS: -Snake Bite -Quarterback -Watchdog Destroyer Medals Get 4 Destroyer medals. Farm the most kills, at least 15, for 4 matches. There's no shame in holding your fire and killstealing, as long as you win at the end. PREFERRED MAPS: -Life Jacket -Watchdog -Meltdown -Spec Ops missions -Anything with enough bots thrown at your way for you to farm, but short enough so everyone else can't kill more than you do. Target Medals Get 8 Target medals. Repel the most damage on your team, at least 10 hits and 1000+ damage. Any MBTs with some degree of effective armor will work fine, just drive forward and get shot at. Try your hardest to not get destroyed, because the counter resets once you do. Easy to farm if you sit in front of an autocannon and let it plink away at you for as long as you want. PREFERRED MAPS: -Quarterback -Snake Bite -Any map where you can afford to sit at one spot and get shot at without taking (much) damage. Teamwork Medals Get 5 Teamwork medals. Just make sure nobody dies, for 5 matches. Can sometimes be annoying since pubbies love to kill themselves. PREFERRED MAPS: -Quarterback -Rolling Thunder -Anything short and easy to lessen the chances of pubbies dying. Blue Star Medals Get 5 Blue Star medals. Get top XP 5 times, you should be getting one at least every other match, if not every single match. In other words play 5 matches. PREFERRED MAPS: -None. Just farm your damage and win. Shooter Medals Get 8 15 Shooter medals. Farm 2000 damage, with at least 80% accuracy over 20+ shots. If you don't get one and you're playing something with a normal gun (no autocannons/missiles), you have bigger issues to worry about. Basically play 8 15 matches. Don't use autocannons or missiles for obvious reasons. PREFERRED MAPS: -None. Detonator Kill 5 bots by ammo rack explosion or fire, within the same match. Possibly the hardest or easiest mission depending on your luck. Yes, I said luck, because you NEED your teammates to NOT shoot at stuff that you've already set on fire in order to be credited for the kill, meaning you'd want your teammates to play poorly in general. Wilk with PELE is still my most reliable setup. Missions that allow you to fuck off somewhere far away from your teammates are ideal, since you don't want them having line of sight at your targets. PREFERRED MAPS: -Stormy Winter -Cerberus Marksman Farm 20k damage, with 100% accuracy and deal damage with every shot, and win. Can be annoying at high tiers because T-14, T-15 and Merk 4M APS can eat your shots. Best done at tier 8 or tier 6. Since bots can't use projectile hardkill anymore, this mission got a lot easier. Might be fairly difficult on Ricochet or Hydra or other "easy" missions, since they don't offer enough damage or targets to go around for everyone. Don't use autocannons or missiles obviously. AP shells might help if you are scared of composite armor and ERA. HEAT-MP is also useful because you still deal damage on non-penetrations. PREFERRED MAPS: -Anything that isn't too easy or short, so you can farm 20k damage. Total Elimination Farm 30 kills and assists combined. This is easier than it sounds, it basically boils down to shooting or designating every target at least once for the assist credit. You will also get credit for spotting damage, though that's not too reliable. Not particularly hard as long as you are dilligent in your target selection. PREFERRED MAPS: -Life Jacket -Watchdog -Any of the Spec Ops missions Perfect Streak Win 5 matches in a row, without you or your PLATOONMATES getting destroyed. The mission description is horrible, by allies it really means your platoonmates only. This means if you're solopubbing you'd only have to worry about yourself and winning. PREFERRED MAPS: -None. Doesn't matter, it's just about winning. Bullseye Get 20 kills + assists combined, with 100% accuracy and deal damage with every shot. The mission description is wrong, you don't need to penetrate every shot but instead just need to deal damage. Similar Marksman, but this time you need assists and kills instead of damage. AP and HEAT-MP will work wonders. Longer maps are recommended so you can comfortably tag 20 enemies without feeling too pressured. PREFERRED MAPS: -Watchdog -Leviathan -Stormy Winter -Life Jacket If you haven't noticed already, a lot of the missions can be made easy simply by cherrypicking specific maps to play on. So here's a link to my rotation tracker thread: https://forum.wotlabs.net/index.php?/topic/28620-armored-warfare-pve-mission-rotation-tracker/ Also, I really hate those "do X for 10 matches" missions.
  2. 1 point
    Shameless self-advertisement, get it here: https://github.com/Kasuobes/Rotation-Tracker As part of my super secret evil plan to subvert My.com provide the public service of distributing the daily mission rotations, I've started streaming the tracker itself for live rotation updates. Music is provided, cookies are complimentary.
  3. 1 point
    Hi all, I've equipped in all my AFV vehicles next Retrofits Electro-optical absorbing paint v2 (Camouflage factor +8% while stopped) Augmented optics v2 (Vision range +35 meters while stopped) Improve telescopid lenses v2 (Vision range +70 meters while stopped) Tier X retrofit slot: for ATGM: Unit Control (ATGM Control +20% and ATGM desviation -50%) for the rest Barrel linning (+13% Rate of fire and -5% Max spread) No barrel linning unlock yet then: for gun machine: Advanced MRS v2 (-10% Max spread) for cannon: Improved gun breech v2 (+13% Rate of fire) Commander Sabrina Washington Skills: Crew Driver: Smooth drive (Accuracy improved 10% while moving) Off road driving (Acceleration off-road terrain increased 20%) Gunner For gun machine vehicle: Sharpshooter (-5% Max spread) Accuracy (Accuracy decay rate while firing improved by 23%) For cannon vehicle: Sharpshooter (-5% Max spread) Quick draw (+10% aimming speed) For ATMG Vehicle: Sting like bee (ATGM agility improved 15%) Not sure (usually the vehicle has ATGM and Gun Machine mixed, so I use Sharpshooter (-5% Max spread)) Loader For cannon or gun machine vehicle: Sharpshooter (-5% Max spread) Rapid fire (+2.5% Rate of fire) For ATMG Vehicle: Rapid fire (+2.5% Rate of fire) Secured Ammunition (No reduced reload time when ammo rack or breech) Let me know any improvement and I hope it will help the new players. You can do great battles like this: Please feel free to correct me, I'll try to improve the post to have the best information for all. All the best! Ps: commander skills source http://hype-en.blogspot.com/#portfolio
  4. 1 point
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