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In Development: Pipelines Overhaul

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We’ve discussed new sounds and the drones already but do you know what else is coming in this large autumn update? That’s right, it’s the Pipelines map overhaul.


Now, when it comes to Armored Warfare, one of the most complained about things is the visual quality. The game’s been around for almost a decade and, while its graphics are not completely outdated, there’s definitely some room for improvement. We have decided to start addressing these issues one by one but every (most certainly long) journey starts with a single step. And this step happens to be the overhaul of the Pipelines map.


Why Pipelines? For one, it happens to be one of the top three maps played in PvP because it appears especially often on low Tiers.


And, secondly, because it shares assets with some PvE missions and we’d like to address those too (although not during this initial overhaul). You can see some more screenshots below:



Screenshots and Comparison (Click to Open)


Please note that the map gameplay will not change, the overhaul is a visual one.

Like what you see? Let us know what you think on Discord and stay tuned for more news regarding the update as we will still have more to share.


Introduced in Early Access 3 phase in 2015, Pipelines is one of the earliest PvP maps in AW. It is also the base map for PvE missions Cavalry and Quarterback, as well as Spec Ops mission Plant in El Arish (i.e. the first mission of the Arabian Nights chain aka AN1).

Early Access preview screenshots for those who are interested:



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