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Everything posted by Kennymax89

  1. Does armored warfare ever run extra xp around holidays or weekends? I haven't been back long and do not remember if they ever did.
  2. Thank you for the tips.. i feel silly for not knowing you que up the next shell....
  3. I am not completely new to armored warfare, but still a novice (4days played and 126 vehicles). I mainly play MBT and I always seem to use one type of ammo depending on the tank/tier I am playing. If its tier 6 and below i pretty much just shoot heat and if its tier 7 or above I use APFSDS. As a MBT it feels like I loose a lot of time swapping ammo because I don't have the quickest reflexes. Is there any guide or tips that you guys would have for when its worth swapping or what should even be taken? I pretty much only play pve.
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