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Posts posted by knutliott

  1. 58 minutes ago, Katsumoto said:

    One thing that needs to be worked is that each map has a vision range scale factor built in.  With the nerf to the vision on MBT's, certain maps used to be a pain to do to a complete and utter impossible without being wiped out like Harbinger.  The whole not being able to shoot at something that is shooting me because you can't see it gets old.  If you make it so that things could be spotted by an LT or AFV with vision without them being deleted would be nice.

    This goes back to a suggestion that I made long ago where VR shouldn't be a "universal constant".  Vision should behave differently for different classes, and I don't just mean varying ranges.

    For example, MBTs should be able to return fire when something shoots them.  They should get reciprocal targeting that they cannot share with others on their team.  The specialness of TDs could then be that the effectiveness of an MBTs "return fire" ability is diminished against TDs.

    Other tweaks could be done.  Maybe AFVs are particularly good at spotting vehicles that are just sitting there (i.e. "anti-camo"), while LTs are particularly good at spotting vehicles when they shoot (i.e. "anti-aggression").  Or maybe "spotting" itself is interrupted if you shoot - i.e. you can spot, or you can shoot, but you can't do both at the same time.  (In which case "spotting" itself would be an extended-VR ability similar to the "better VR when not moving" abilities that some vehicles already have.)

    VR as implemented is pretty boring and causes all kinds of strange behavior as you've noted.  But it seems like it would be easy to fix.

    • Upvote 1

  2. 6 hours ago, dfnce said:

    Best (10) - Leviathan, Raiding Party -- truly "open world" maps.

    You may be the only person in the entire world to think that.

    As currently implemented, Leviathan is too easy.  Yes, you read that correctly.  You literally do not have to do much of anything to win - the bots don't bother to shoot the rocket except for... I think 3 of them?  As long as you kill those 3 bots, you can just sit there out of sight and win.

    Beyond that technicality, Leviathan is too hard.  (Meaning that if you actually had to defend the rocket, a group of randumbs is not going to get it done.)  A lot of MBTs are too slow and unmaneuverable to traipse back and forth across the very hilly island multiple times trying to get to the random cap points.  Then on top of that you're supposed to get - also randomly assigned - secondaries that can be basically anywhere on the island, too?  Way too much driving around and not enough fighting.  Oh, and that fighting is almost always at point blank range because as previously noted the island is very hilly so line of sight is almost as constrained as it would be on a city map.  The only advantage of the island is that you can usually sit hull down to fire at the bots from somewhere.

    I do actually like Raiding Party, but I wouldn't call it one of the best.  The common complaint is true - the game timer needs to be about 60 seconds longer than it is.  Even with good players who know the map, this mission often comes down to under 60 seconds left.  If you don't have good players, there's simply not enough time.  The open world feel of it is great, but there's a lot of driving around in this mission as well and that takes time for MBTs.

    6 hours ago, dfnce said:

    Mediocre (5) - Harbinger, Cavalry and Perseus if you want sniper / stealth approach are probably even better than some others, but this is specific passive gameplay and nothing great can be said about it.

    Harbinger and Perseus are 2 of my candidates for best map.  Both are great for snipers, brawlers, and "heavy" tanks... you just have to know how to play them.  They're even good for Arty!  But even if your teammates don't know their roles, these are still fantastic maps that can be won with 1-2 good players carrying the rest of the team.

    I admit that Cavalry is a little straightforward and simple, but that doesn't make it mediocre to me.  I've won this map with no MBTs and with all MBTs - it's very flexible in that respect.  The team does need a spotter, and the spotter needs to understand that they may have to only spot and not also shoot, but it's a good mission.

    6 hours ago, dfnce said:

    Needs rework (3)

    The only mission that I always skip is Ghost Hunter.  The old Ghost Hunter was great, but they wrecked it when they reworked it.  Too many randumbs will waste time killing all of the phase 2 lieutenants and end up costing your team the victory, and phase 3 is difficult enough that one good player can't really solo it without getting surrounded, or without losing the cap while trying to avoid getting surrounded.  I just don't bother anymore, it's not worth it.

    I'm not fond of Tsunami, but now that people have learned that they have to immediately retreat from the spawn it's not as bad as it used to be.  Still... you can end up losing Tsunami because a couple of people charged forward without thinking.

    Ricochet isn't terrible, but it's boring and its earnings are pathetic.  If its earnings were better people probably wouldn't hate it nearly as much as they do, but it's not a very interesting map in general.  Another map that was much better before they reworked it.

    Umbrella has the same problem - it's short, boring, and its earnings are bad.  There's an excellent spot for MBTs to use to cover the runway for the end game, but most players don't seem to know it's there and so the end game ends up being a crap shoot.  (You have to get down off of the hill and behind the last little bumps before the side road where you can sit, hull down, and spot just about everything on the runway.  But you have to get there fast or you'll get shot to pieces on your way down.  I generally blow smoke as I drop over the edge of the hill and that seems to work pretty well.)

  3. Confirmed.  I had a 180% bonus, bought a 4200 Gold pack, and received 11760 total.

    Also, they're doing the EU to US$ conversion wrong... almost backwards.  20 EU should be around $23.50, but it was instead $18.  That's not literally reversing the exchange rate, so they just have something set backwards and are charging less in US$ than they are in EU.

  4. On 4/6/2021 at 7:46 AM, dfnce said:

    I recommend to level Miramon 

    I agree.  Juan Carlos is one of the better balanced spotting commanders in my opinion.  He doesn't offer as much Stealth as Erin, but he offers way more VR.  So on a vehicle that already has pretty good Stealth you want to use Juan Carlos, not Erin, when you're doing spotting.

    He's also pretty good on light tanks.

    Sabrina does have her uses since she does both good crew damage and good module damage.  So your time spent leveling her hasn't been wasted.  But she really kinda maxes out around level 11... further levels don't really make her significantly better, so she's a good Commander to get to 11 and then use her as that "step" in your commander pyramid.

  5. On 4/5/2021 at 11:50 PM, Schlock said:

    Got 120% bonus, bought 2000, received 4400.

    That's good to hear, thanks Schlock!

    That means I should probably go ahead and use my 180% bonus.  Buying the 4200 Gold pack will get me 7560 in bonus, which is about as good as you can do since the max bonus is 8000.  And that will only cost 20 EU!

  6. This example says "180% bonus for the next Gold purchase" but in my garage it shows a button that says "Bonus +180%".

    So which is it?  If I buy 1000 gold, do I get:

    1800 - my purchase of 1000 multiplied by 1.8
    2800 - my purchase of 1000 plus another 1800 (i.e. +180%)?

    Reading the button in game there is no question - I should get 2800.  The example is open for interpretation, but in English it should mean you receive 2800.  That a bonus of 180%, which should be on top of your actual purchase.

    Has anyone tried it?  What's the actual answer?


    3 minutes ago, Katsumoto said:

    So, in the garage there is the percentage and timer.

    So if you were to buy the gold, where do you go to do it at?


    Once you play the minigame (which isn't really a game), the button changes as pictured above and you click that to purchase gold through the in-game interface.

  7. https://aw.my.games/en/news/general/scavenger-run-here




    APR 05TH | 2021


    Today, we’d like to tell you about one new feature that may perhaps not exactly be long-awaited or ground-breaking, but we do hope you’ll find it useful nonetheless. It is a mini-game called Scavenger Run.


    So, let’s talk about Gold. It’s a premium currency you can use for all sorts of things, but, perhaps most importantly, Gold really comes in handy during an active Battle Path, in which it can be exchanged for Battle Coins.


    Starting on April 5, you’ll be able to earn a major bonus to your next Gold purchase (even a truly massive one, like 80 percent) by participating in the Scavenger Run event. In other words, in case you win such a bonus and buy 1.000 Gold, you’ll receive 1.800 Gold instead. And that can make one hell of a difference (please note, however, that the maximum amount of bonus Gold obtainable this way is 10.000 Gold).


    Scavenger Run is, in its core, a very simple event. There are many ruined and abandoned objects across the world of Armored Warfare and your friendly neighborhood arms dealer ran across one of them. You are now being hired to scout it out. On a small map, you choose one of three bases and then scout its three warehouses by clicking on them. Depending on your finds (determined randomly), you will receive a sizeable bonus to your next Gold purchase.


    This event will be occasionally active for several days (the counter in Garage will always tell you how much time is left), so if you’re planning to stock on Gold for the next Battle Path or simply want to boost your progress right now, it’s the perfect opportunity to do so.

    We hope that you’ll enjoy this new mechanic and, as always:

    See you on the battlefield!


  8. I think it looks great, at least in theory, but I doubt I'll play it at all.  I've already seen comments that the excluded vehicles can, in fact, be used.  The Object 490 is practically a game-breaker for this mode, I would think, but hey what do I know.

    I'm curious about how fire-and-forget missiles work.  It seems like Javelin-equipped vehicles might be even more powerful in this mode since it will be much harder to figure out where the incoming fire is coming from.  Regular ATGMs are pretty obvious and will require missile boats to play carefully.

    Something as small as a Shadow could become an excellent spotter on a coordinated team.

    I couldn't find the achievements, so no idea what they might be or how you might earn them.

  9. Seems like "Don't Touch Anything!" is highly dependent on having Arty that knows where and when to pre-fire?

    Also, is the Type 10 better for this kind of thing than the K2?  My experience with the Type 10 has been that its armor is pretty weak.  The K2's just seems to work better for me.

  10. 1 hour ago, Katsumoto said:

    Like wise, if you see a map that you don't like.

    What I see that sucks about this is if the map rotation gets to run a course and there are back to back maps that everyone hates, that is going to be a waste of time, just wait it out to que up when the next map comes up.  It'll suck if you have a booster running because then you waste such of your time on it waiting out a map.

    As the devs in the quote said, on average you only have 90 seconds to wait anyway.  So with a 3-minute timer, you just wait it out.  No big deal.  And once you've waited it out once, it's pretty easy to avoid that map the next time around since the entire process is only 30 minutes and you averaged 10 minutes per map.

    But with a 6-minute timer, it's kind of a big deal.  With 20 maps in the rotation there are liable to be multiple maps that you prefer to skip, so you're going to have to wait more often.  And with the entire process taking 2 hours you're less likely to be aware that the map you don't like is approaching again, so you may have to sit and wait it out again the next time around.

  11. 2 hours ago, itzjustrick said:

    Actually bots seem to not hit, so while this isn't nice seeing the train getting swarmed it seems to survive as long as the choppers are killed and therefore no infantry will spawn... 

    Hmm... I hadn't realized this.  If you really only have to worry about the choppers/infantry, then that's probably why my missions thus far have gone so well at Tier 8.  I've been using the Terminator 2017 and I shoot infantry/choppers as I feel that's one of my responsibilities in that vehicle since it has an AC.

    Even so, on one successful run the train was down to <100 health by the end.  I couldn't do everything myself, and the others weren't doing much.  Yet we somehow pulled it off.

  12. 8 hours ago, Silentstalker said:

    We changed the timing of map rotation because 3 minutes is too fast. Players were complaining that they play the same PVE maps over and over again in a day that was due to fast rotation and pool size of 10 maps that leads to a full rotation of maps in 30 minutes, plus players miss two other maps while playing one, due to average map completion being 7 minutes.
    With doubling the pool size and rotation time full map rotation will be 2 hours. Plus this fixes the issue when I see a good map and want to play it, but a 3-minute rotation that is on average is actually 1,5 minutes would be not enough for the matchmaking to find a match. On top of that players usually change tanks between matches, sometimes they want to take explicit tanks for the map. With 6 minutes of rotation that is actually 3 minutes on average will give more time for adjusting your choice

    3 minutes was fine.  Maybe a little too fast, but not much.  4 minutes probably would have done the trick.  Worst case, 5 minutes.  Best case?  Try 4 minutes first, and if that's still not enough then bump it to 5 minutes.  6 minutes is too much, and it should have been obvious that it would be too much.  Changes like this is why players are convinced that the devs don't play their own game, because if they did play it they'd know better than to make this change.

    Players seeing the same maps over and over is user error.  They're too stupid to just delay until the map changes, which "on average" only takes 1.5 minutes.  Yes, the 10 x 3 rotation did have a tendency to settle into a particular set of 3 maps since each map takes 10 minutes (see explanation below), but that would have been easily fixed by changing the rotation time to 4 minutes, or by doubling the pool of maps.

    Average in-game map completion may be 7 minutes, but average full cycle time - which includes queuing (0-60 seconds), joining (10-15 seconds), loading (20-30 seconds), waiting for the other players to join (0-30 seconds), waiting for the 30-second countdown timer (30 seconds), playing the mission (7 min according to you), then waiting for the post-game screen (20-30 seconds), and disconnecting back to the garage (10 seconds) was 10+ minutes.  This is why people would get stuck in a 3-map rotation.

    Quadrupling the full map rotation to 2 hours is too much.  That means that if I see a map I like, I'm guaranteed to not see it again for at least 2 hours.

    Changing tanks between matches takes seconds.  That's not a valid reason for any of these changes.

  13. 6 hours ago, itzjustrick said:

    Also, please add an option to just select this mission and not first play plague, I have never really liked plague and after 4 months of playing this mission I am definitely done with it... Please I beg you... 

    Agreed.  It is difficult for me to even rate this mission because I'm forced to play Plague first, every time, despite having already played it 100+ times.

    This is especially egregious when you've added a further set of vehicle-type missions to complete for War.  Yeah, yeah, you reduced to top end from 20 to 15, but since you have to play Plague first to get to War it's really 30 missions to complete.  Plague was nice and queue times were fine because it was the only mission available.  Now that we have War and Plague, and people have to queue for both, queue times have doubled.  If you're going to introduce the missions one at a time, make them available independently as they're introduced.  Then if you want to have some final set of achievements at the end that you complete by doing all 4 missions together, do that.  But this slow accumulation is going to make people hate Plague because they'll be forced to play it so often to get to the later missions.

    Because War is tied to Plague I haven't been able to play it often enough to offer a solid review.  I can say that it seems fine at Tier 8, but echo much of what was said above.  Visually the map is very nice.  It's a corridor, but it doesn't seem as badly constrained as Plague - the "corridor" aspect is just journeying from one engagement to the next, but once you reach the next engagement you seem to have options at least at Tier 8.

    But the endgame is too frantic, and as noted above far too many enemies spawn in and instantly shoot the train.  Is the "Don't Touch Anything" achievement even achievable at Tier 10?  Based on my experience at Tier 8 it doesn't seem likely.

    My sound was bugged - and that seems to have been caused by War as it bugged out as soon as I dropped into that mission, having only logged in and played Plague during that session - so I can't comment on the story, as I heard none of it.

  14. 3 hours ago, Haswell said:
    • Doubled the PvE rotation pool size
    • Increased the PvE map rotation time from 3 to 6 minutes

    Given the amount of flak that they get for there only being a handful of maps in the rotation (which is always user error, but it doesn't stop the criticism), I can certainly understand the former update.  20 maps in rotation will guarantee that people see more maps.  It'll also have the side effect of preventing people from (as easily) intentionally queuing up for a "best" rotation and only playing the "good" maps.

    But I do not understand increasing the rotation time at all.  What's the point?  As has already been said, that just punishes people who dislike a particular map and wish to avoid being forced to play it.


  15. Damage stated is not the minimum damage, it's for lack of a better word the "average" or "base" damage.  Damage then varies by 10% + or - from that number.  So a shell that says it does 500 damage actually has a normal range from 450 to 550.

    HEAT bonus damage is being phased out.  IIRC it is supposed to have been removed from Tiers 7-10, but since Tiers 1-6 have not yet been rebalanced it still remains on some of those shells.  (It also apparently still remains on a few Tier 7-10 vehicles, but that's a bug.  Or so they say.)  HEAT bonus damage was a random amount from 0 to whatever was stated in the shell's tool tip, typically 25%.  So a shell that says it does 500 damage could add as much as 125 more from the HEAT bonus damage, PLUS the random + or - 50 from the basic damage randomization.  I.e. that shell could do anywhere from 450 (base damage - 10% randomization) to 675 (base damage + 10% randomization + 25% HEAT bonus damage).

    Then to further confuse the issue, there's such a thing as partial penetrations.  I'm not sure how they worked, other than that I've seen HEAT shells do as little as 25% of their base damage when they hit.  I believe that it has something to do with ERA, too.  Note that this is different than the effect you see from HEAT-MP, which triggers on a non-penetrating hit.

    Without knowing exactly which vehicles you were using, I can't really say for sure what you were seeing.  But my guess is partial penetrations and the +10% or -10% randomizer.

  16. On 3/12/2021 at 11:53 PM, tahax said:


    just keep in mind that these 7% refer only to the western segment, there are MUCH more pvp players on the russian segment. and do not forget that 90% of vehicles are balanced specifically for pvp

    There was no such context around the quote that I saw.  It was simply stated that PvP accounts for 7% of games played.

    On 3/13/2021 at 1:36 AM, TeyKey1 said:

    OPhelia is even viable without the fantasy shield. It would be funny if we gave all the bots OPhelia as commander then see how fast PVE only players start to change their opinion 

    I doubt it would change my opinion.  PvE is all about DPM, and Ophelia's shield is in reality quite small.  When your team is outfitted with as many autocannons as you see in PvE, her shield would be nothing more than a nuisance.  Furthermore, since players are outnumbered 5 or 6 to 1 in PvE, you play it differently and aren't as likely to get into a situation where a bot's shield would radically swing the outcome of an engagement.

    A Lieutenant with her shield?  Yeah, okay, 15% of 6k health might be a bit annoying.  But again, you have to be so careful fighting LTs in the first place that the only real effect it would have would be to boost their health by 900.  That's significant, but not a game-changer.

    On 3/13/2021 at 1:36 AM, TeyKey1 said:

    A counter OPhelia commander is just as dumb as OPhelia herself. In this case you'd also force players to equip this commander on near every tank just to counter the flood of OPhelia users in PVP.

    That would depend on how it was implemented.  If the counter-ability were somehow useful anyway, then the counter-commander wouldn't need enemy Ophelias to be a reasonable choice.  But, sure, if they did something stupid like "Ophelia's ability doesn't work when shot by this tank" then that would be pretty stupid.

    And you'd also rapidly reach an equilibrium.  It doesn't take everyone equipping the counter-Ophelia commander to make Ophelia less appealing... just enough that you can't rely on her shield.

    On 3/13/2021 at 1:36 AM, TeyKey1 said:

    [PvP commentary]

    I hear ya.  What's annoying for PvE players is that they're expected to understand that the game has to be balanced for PvP because it's a more competitive mode and therefore the tuning is critical to game balance (which is true), but then also absorb all of the flak when AW actually does something that benefits PvE or makes it more fun.  And also just accept changes that make PvE worse because they're deemed necessary for PvP.  It's especially frustrating when those changes are forced through even when there were other alternatives that wouldn't have impacted PvE as badly... it's like they don't consider impacts on PvE at all while desperately trying to balance PvP.

    Cheap, easy solution?  Make Ophelia PvE-only like they did with Artillery (as JintoLin said).  That's not an ideal solution because I'm sure there are a lot of PvP players who bought her specifically because she's ridiculously good in PvP, but you're going to piss people off no matter what you do with her so why not minimize the damage?

    I mean... she has 3 main abilities, they could even make just that one ability PvE-only.

  17. 1 hour ago, dfnce said:

    They could fix certain imbalance and satisfy large group of PvP players by adding freely available commander, offering similar "shield immunity" ability. Sure, there is "no more new commander" approach, but this one I believe is counter-productive and drags this game into stagnation.

    Remember that  - last we were told - PvP is like 7% of the player base.  They're loud, but they're a small minority.

    At any rate, AW was talking about adding a "counter-Ophelia" commander whose special ability would, among other things, in some way mitigate Ophelia's shield.  It was a theoretical discussion, so there wasn't a lot of solid data, but there were a lot of good ideas.

    The problem is that Ophelia isn't OP in PvE, and a LOT of people have paid real money for her.  They can't just nuke her, so whatever they do has to leave her as a viable commander for those who have her, but mitigates the perceived OP-ness of her in PvP.

  18. I've never seen this bug, and I've captured the town with less than 7 seconds many times.  I've captured it with less than 3 seconds left before.

    I'm not saying that the bug doesn't exist - just that the above repro steps are far from guaranteed to work.

    9 hours ago, TheGreenFellow said:

    From discussion on the Armored Labs discord, this is due to a timer issue where the mission timer ends before the defense objective timer ends, registering the objective as 'failed' even though at no point was the defense objective captured by the enemy, thereby breaking the mission.

    Did you save a replay of the mission in question?  If so, you should be able to take a screenshot at any time after you capture the town and start the defense timer, and before the mission endsm that shows that the time remaining in the mission is less than the time remaining to defend.

    I'm also not sure how this bug would be related to capturing the town, other than the fact that the defense timer is triggered by capturing the town.  Knowing exactly what time (game time) you captured the town and then having a screenshot as suggested above might help figure out what causes it to happen.

    My guess is that it's related to the delay between capturing the town and starting the defense objective.  That pause is several seconds long, possibly even as many as 10, so that may have something to do with why the defense timer gets set up wrong.

  19. 11 hours ago, MK_Regular said:

    If you don't care about the odds and ends, the "store price" in future BPs ends up being the better deal but only if you get lucky and have the vehicles show up on an auto-reroll.

    Nice analysis.  One further consideration is the "time value of money," which says that you need to factor in the extra time you get playing the vehicles if you get them right away.  It will probably be at least 6 months before any of these show up for sale, and that's a lot of potential missions missed.  (Assuming you enjoy playing the vehicles, because if you don't then the purchase doesn't make sense at either time.)

    11 hours ago, LeoAegisMaximus said:

    Nice shopping gents, how is the M1A1 Storm? managed to pick it up for 21,999 coins. 

    I managed to finish off the 100 pieces for the Kurganets-25,  I don't know with it which weapon system to lean on the autocannon reminds me of 57mm from the BWP-2000 the thermobaric missiles are great at bating aps to follow up with the big tandem charge missiles.    

    M1A1 Storm is a nice MBT at Tier 7.  Worthy purchase, in my opinion.  I saw it offered but already own it so couldn't buy it.

    Kurganets weapons depend on your play style.  I tend to use all 3 weapons in rotation and fire nearly continuously.  I'm typically providing medium range fire support and the Kurganets can lay down a seriously impressive amount of suppression fire.  I do find that the rockets are best used up closer than I normally like to get, but they can be used effectively at range just at a slower fire rate so that you have time for the aim circle to reduce again.  Wildly spamming them at full fire rate just sprays them all over the battlefield.

  20. 2 hours ago, MK_Regular said:

    the 31.5k BC was to go from rank 10 to rank 17

    Ahhh... gotcha.

    My rule of thumb for ranks is to never spend BC on them until I have all of the BC I need to get the rank I want.  There may be multiple stops along the way - typically at each vehicle reward rank - but I don't just level up randomly because I have BC lying around.  You never know when you might want those BC for something else (a random drop from the store, for example), or when life might get in the way.

  21. 2 hours ago, Haswell said:

    If anything, 120mm HEAT-MP in general could use some minor buffs in penetration and damage to match the performance of 125mm HEAT-FS.


    I get that NATO shells are supposed to have better pen to compensate for Soviet shells having better damage, but AW doesn't seem to be able to balance for pen difference.  Read: everything seems balanced for the pen on the Soviet 125mm shells, which makes the extra pen on NATO shells useless and therefore the Soviet 125mm shells are generally superior.

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