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6 hours ago, reciprocate said:

cutting it close where only 1 day can be missed,

There's 11 weekend days, if I worked that out right, so weekdays only won't get the 30 days either.

Timezones make my brain hurt, but I think

It's 12 mid-day, tomorrow 13th, GMT+1 Zone, ends Sunday 18th 20:00 (8 in the evening) GMT+1 Zone









6 hours ago, reciprocate said:

cutting it close where only 1 day can be missed,

There's 11 weekend days, if I worked that out right, so weekdays only won't get the 30 days either.

Timezones make my brain hurt, but I think

It's 12 mid-day, tomorrow 13th, GMT+1 Zone, ends Sunday 18th 20:00 (8 in the evening) GMT+1









5 hours ago, reciprocate said:

cutting it close where only 1 day can be missed,

There's 11 weekend days, if I worked that out right, so weekdays only won't get the 30 days either.

Timezones make my brain hurt, but I think

It's 12 mid-day, tomorrow 13th, GMT+1, ends Sunday 18th 20:00 (8 in the evening) GMT+1







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