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  • SS is unsure on whether there will be an Episode 2 for the current Storyline Campaign. He will decide after seeing the rest of the results for Episode 1.

So much for a year-long campaign.^^

  • Contract missions are being reviewed. Some may be removed in the future, but "some of the more annoying missions will stay" for obvious reasons

By "some", they mean all and the actual fun and convenient ones, will go...
Seriously, who thinks pushing Raid and most likely future Battle paths purely on "fear of missing out" is a good concept?



  • SS is unsure on whether there will be an Episode 2 for the current Storyline Campaign. He will decide after seeing the rest of the results for Episode 1.

So much for a year-long campaign.^^

  • Contract missions are being reviewed. Some may be removed in the future, but "some of the more annoying missions will stay" for obvious reasons

By "some", they mean all and the actual fun and convenient ones, will go...
Seriously, who things pushing Raid and most likely future Battle paths purely on "fear of missing out" is a good concept?

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