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2 hours ago, reciprocate said:

One quick change I'd put in to GLOPS that'd cause a shitstorm but would be entertaining is removal of allowing any platoons to queue for it - force everyone to solo queue. Less things for the matchmaking algorithm to calculate and attempt to work into when forming the two teams.


1 hour ago, Quantum_Ranger said:

Alternatively, you could allow platoons, but with a requirement for them to be internally balanced, ...

I made a thread for this, gentlemen (and posslbly ladies, I have no idea) so it doesn't get lost in this thread about a pvp map ... please feel free to add to it :-)





2 hours ago, reciprocate said:

One quick change I'd put in to GLOPS that'd cause a shitstorm but would be entertaining is removal of allowing any platoons to queue for it - force everyone to solo queue. Less things for the matchmaking algorithm to calculate and attempt to work into when forming the two teams.


1 hour ago, Quantum_Ranger said:

Alternatively, you could allow platoons, but with a requirement for them to be internally balanced, ...

I made a tread for this, gentlemen (and posslbly ladies, I have no idea) so it doesn't get lost in this thread about a pvp map ... please feel free to add to it :-)



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