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6 hours ago, dfnce said:

Best (10) - Leviathan, Raiding Party -- truly "open world" maps.

You may be the only person in the entire world to think that.

As currently implemented, Leviathan is too easy.  Yes, you read that correctly.  You literally do not have to do much of anything to win - the bots don't bother to shoot the rocket except for... I think 3 of them?  As long as you kill those 3 bots, you can just sit there out of sight and win.

Beyond that technicality, Leviathan is too hard.  (Meaning that if you actually had to defend the rocket, a group of randumbs is not going to get it done.)  A lot of MBTs are too slow and unmaneuverable to traipse back and forth across the very hilly island multiple times trying to get to the random cap points.  Then on top of that you're supposed to get - also randomly assigned - secondaries that can be basically anywhere on the island, too?  Way too much driving around and not enough fighting.  Oh, and that fighting is almost always at point blank range because as previously noted the island is very hilly so line of sight is almost as constrained as it would be on a city map.  The only advantage of the island is that you can usually sit hull down to fire at the bots from somewhere.

I do actually like Raiding Party, but I wouldn't call it one of the best.  The common complaint is true - the game timer needs to be about 60 seconds longer than it is.  Even with good players who know the map, this mission often comes down to under 60 seconds left.  If you don't have good players, there's simply not enough time.  The open world feel of it is great, but there's a lot of driving around in this mission as well and that takes time for MBTs.

6 hours ago, dfnce said:

Mediocre (5) - Harbinger, Cavalry and Perseus if you want sniper / stealth approach are probably even better than some others, but this is specific passive gameplay and nothing great can be said about it.

Harbinger and Perseus are 2 of my candidates for best map.  Both are great for snipers, brawlers, and "heavy" tanks... you just have to know how to play them.  They're even good for Arty!  But even if your teammates don't know their roles, these are still fantastic maps that can be won with 1-2 good players carrying the rest of the team.

I admit that Cavalry is a little straightforward and simple, but that doesn't make it mediocre to me.  I've won this map with no MBTs and with all MBTs - it's very flexible in that respect.  The team does need a spotter, and the spotter needs to understand that they may have to only spot and not also shoot, but it's a good mission.

6 hours ago, dfnce said:

Needs rework (3)

The only mission that I always skip is Ghost Hunter.  The old Ghost Hunter was great, but they wrecked it when they reworked it.  Too many randumbs will waste time killing all of the phase 2 lieutenants and end up costing your team the victory, and phase 3 is difficult enough that one good player can't really solo it without getting surrounded, or without losing the cap while trying to avoid getting surrounded.  I just don't bother anymore, it's not worth it.

I'm not fond of Tsunami, but now that people have learned that they have to immediately retreat from the spawn it's not as bad as it used to be.  Still... you can end up losing Tsunami because a couple of people charged forward without thinking.

Ricochet isn't terrible, but it's boring and its earnings are pathetic.  If its earnings were better people probably wouldn't hate it nearly as much as they do, but it's not a very interesting map in general.  Another map that was much better before they reworked it.

Umbrella has the same problem - it's short, boring, and its earnings are bad.  There's an excellent spot for MBTs to use to cover the runway for the end game, but most players don't seem to know it's there and so the end game ends up being a crap shoot.  (You have to get down off of the hill and behind the last little bumps before the side road where you can sit, hull down, and spot just about everything on the runway.  But you have to get there fast or you'll get shot to pieces on your way down.  I generally blow smoke as I drop over the edge of the hill and that seems to work pretty well.)



5 hours ago, dfnce said:

Best (10) - Leviathan, Raiding Party -- truly "open world" maps.

You may be the only person in the entire world to think that.

As currently implemented, Leviathan is too easy.  Yes, you read that correctly.  You literally do not have to do much of anything to win - the bots don't bother to shoot the rocket except for... I think 3 of them?  As long as you kill those 3 bots, you can just sit there out of sight and win.

Beyond that technicality, Leviathan is too hard.  (Meaning that if you actually had to defend the rocket, a group of randumbs is not going to get it done.)  A lot of MBTs are too slow and unmaneuverable to traipse back and forth across the very hilly island multiple times trying to get to the random cap points.  Then on top of that you're supposed to get - also randomly assigned - secondaries that can be basically anywhere on the island, too?  Way too much driving around and not enough fighting.  Oh, and that fighting is almost always at point blank range because as previously noted the island is very hilly so line of sight is almost as constrained as it would be on a city map.  The only advantage of the island is that you can usually sit hull down to fire at the bots from somewhere.

I do actually like Raiding Party, but I wouldn't call it one of the best.  The common complaint is true - the game timer needs to be about 60 seconds longer than it is.  Even with good players who know the map, this mission often comes down to under 60 seconds left.  If you don't have good players, there's simply not enough time.  The open world feel of it is great, but there's a lot of driving around in this mission as well and that takes time for MBTs.

6 hours ago, dfnce said:

Mediocre (5) - Harbinger, Cavalry and Perseus if you want sniper / stealth approach are probably even better than some others, but this is specific passive gameplay and nothing great can be said about it.

Harbinger and Perseus are 2 of my candidates for best map.  Both are great for snipers, brawlers, and "heavy" tanks... you just have to know how to play them.  They're even good for Arty!  But even if your teammates don't know their roles, these are still fantastic maps that can be won with 1-2 good players carrying the rest of the team.

I admit that Cavalry is a little straightforward and simple, but that doesn't make it mediocre to me.  I've won this map with no MBTs and with all MBTs - it's very flexible in that respect.  The team does need a spotter, and the spotter needs to understand that they may have to only spot and not also shoot, but it's a good mission.


6 hours ago, dfnce said:


Needs rework (3)

The only mission that I always skip is Ghost Hunter.  The old Ghost Hunter was great, but they wrecked it when they reworked it.  Too many randumbs will waste time killing all of the phase 2 lieutenants and end up costing your team the victory, and phase 3 is difficult enough that one good player can't really solo it without getting surrounded, or without losing the cap while trying to avoid getting surrounded.  I just don't bother anymore, it's not worth it.

I'm not fond of Tsunami, but now that people have learned that they have to immediately retreat from the spawn it's not as bad as it used to be.  Still... you can end up losing Tsunami because a couple of people charged forward without thinking.

Ricochet isn't terrible, but it's boring and its earnings are pathetic.  If its earnings were better people probably wouldn't hate it nearly as much as they do, but it's not a very interesting map in general.  Another map that was much better before they reworked it.

Umbrella has the same problem - it's short, boring, and its earnings are bad.  There's an excellent spot for MBTs to use to cover the runway for the end game, but most players don't seem to know it's there and so the end game ends up being a crap shoot.  (You have to get down off of the hill and behind the last little bumps before the side road where you can sit, hull down, and spot just about everything on the runway.  But you have to get there fast or you'll get shot to pieces on your way down.  I generally blow smoke as I drop over the edge of the hill and that seems to work pretty well.)

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