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Everything posted by GoldenGnu

  1. Ofc. you decide how often you pull the data, but, each visitor to the website is updating from JSON about 60 times an hour (with ETag), so as long as you pull less than you're just a regular visitor. Also, all the API files are just a static files, making them cheep to serve.
  2. @nullptrdereference It's really simple: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&q=ETag In short, the server send the Etag header on each request. You then set that value of the ETag in the "If-None-Match" request header. If the content didn't change, you get a 304 HTTP code and no content. If it did change you get 200 and the content. It's really really simple to implement, don't worry.
  3. @nullptrdereference @TeyKey1 If you want to use the API, I would suggest you use the ETag to check if the data have changed, that way you can hit it a lot more without coursing any significant load for me. ATM. I don't have any rules for how often you can hit it, but, I'm thinking somewhere around once a minute with ETag check would be okay for now
  4. @Haswell Thank you for your suggestions, I have made an issue for your offset suggestion: Let user modify offset Also, I totally agree, updating by hand is just terrible. Hopefully we can share the burden, so you won't have to do it all the days. @nullptrdereference The data is available in js/json/ini by clicking the sky icon in the bottom. Again, it's just updated by hand by me, at my convenience. No progress with automating the updating have been made.
  5. @TeyKey1 Now use 24 hour clock in all formats. Also added download links to all the formats. Also, it's still just updated manually, at my convenience, for the time being. I'm hoping to recruit some people to help with the updates.
  6. Yerh, It still require manual update. It's just another way to display the data. The skulls and star are just a way to mark missions. I use the skull for hard mission and the star for my favorite missions. You can not change the missions yourself. I will try my best to keep it updated. Since the source is on GitHub, everyone is free to host their own version. It does require PHP, as some way to write to the server files is required to update the data. Everything else is done client side with JavaScript.
  7. I made a web version of the rotation tracker: https://aw.nikr.net If anyone have any feedback I would love to hear it.
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