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Posts posted by Crossfader

  1. So i read in the patch notes that they "fixed" an issue were the BMPT's guns were both firing at the same time (BMPT mod.2017, Ramka 99 and Terminator 2) but this has cut there DPM in half....

    The BMPT mod.2000 isnt affected and retains its DPM of around 17k base.

    I dont know if this was intended, but it makes little sense to me that to vehicule that has 2 guns is somehow firing twice as slow as the vehicle with one gun

    Just to be sure i tested all 4 tanks in the training room with a timer to see if the ingame DPM on the stat card are ok, and i came with in +/-500 dpm, so its seems that they indeed lost half of there gun damage.

  2. 4 hours ago, Quantum_Ranger said:

    What are the best targets for the HE in T5?  Still trying to work out the new shell mechanics and figure out the optimal loadout.  The Foka is a blast, wish I could take on the helicopters in SpecOps with it.

    Speed and agility is pretty good, not very different from BMP-2 with acceleration skills.


    Swingfire, sabre, and BMD are great, most AFV sides are also good.

  3. How much DPM does thing have with the twin 30mm...

    All of it.

    Over 22k with the AP and over 27k using HE, which at tier 5 is actually viable on quite a few targets. This thing is nuts, that's tier 8-10 DPM at tier 5, you absolutely melt everything, this is the first vehicle that I have to be careful with my ammo, you will run out. I have had to suicide in simply to get some  more ammo, while saving the Q refill for late game.




  4. I really dont get the HEAT/ATGM acting like HE if its does not pen....

    Did the devs simply read High Explosive Anti Tank and think "A ha, a great new mechanic".

    As i understand it, shaped charges technically have "explosives" but are only used to create the molten projectile and the damage dealt by the actual explosion would be minimal, even for "soft" skin targets

  5. So i recently restarted playing after 4 years, and already had the C1 unlocked. So i decided to grind it out since its was about half way done, finished it today and surprise surprise, i had never noticed that it didn't have a tier 9 token and or lead to any other tank (about 50k free exp gone, nice).

    Is their any plans to add a token/any sort of progress, kinda feel screwed over, especially since it isn't a particularly enjoyable tank (the Italien's seem to have made the armor out of ammo racks) and would have rather spent time grinding literally anything else.....

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