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Posts posted by Jamzs3-AU

  1. Personally, from 0.32 pts.

    Changes to APS (some have made it)
    More APS charges for PVE
    Bots tend to still face ass first.
    More AI pool.
    More control over your UI (the yellow to white thing is really annoying now)

    Personal changes

    More PVE content, such as maps.
    Old capture the flag mode (hopefully Christmas brings this back)

    Better tool tips (some have made it into 0.33)
    More sounds for engines and guns.
    Reduced 30s timer to 20s if everyone is loaded in.
    World of warships information map settings.
    Like Your view range, max view range, Proxy view range, APS range. All can be toggled in UI and changed colour if optional.
    And other idea's I've yet to throw in.

    The armour reworks.

    Not a fan but they're unlikely to change now, APS and soft kill havent had much changes, with rapid firing tanks now.
    It's possible we'll have maps that require 100k damage done to bots just to survive.

    I understand tanks fight close, but armour is thin on most tanks, some mbts don't need a full hammer nerf. 
    If a tank is doing too well, nerf it over time. CATTB is still strong because it's good vs AP.

    Chally lost that important side armour people are used too.

    Quick swap skill increases mbt dpm by way too much.
    Auto cannons are very important, changing mbts front and side armour can really effect any gamemode.

    Heavier cannons get better pen and alpha. ROF should fit to how good or bad the tank performs. 
    Smaller cannons need more module damage to make up for their lack of both, while loosing less from the fast firing gun.
    There's so much to take in with all the changes.
    Not set in stone so I wont continue until we have live changes.


    Troops: still a mixed back since we can't move them to location. 

    Dev take note: One idea is to hold down E at set location with your mouse and the troops will mark a red X where they will run to.
    Possible issues: if the player dies, leave the Squad to it's normal AI location picking.
    Must require some LOS towards enemy players/bots. Like avoiding walls near by if it can't find that target if it's within range.

    It may take longer for a player to move off from location, but this will help with ambushes.

    Chip damage

    I still believe this is going to hurt a lot more like 0.20-0.23 where module damage was to strong.
    Even with damage rolls at below 100, they're still ATGMS. Bot will continually fire, no MBT will outlive the constant bot spam.
    PVP may reward this, but pve? you can have 200k of HP bots fighting a team that's not able to keep up.
    It's reached a point where Heroics is easier the spec ops.

    I would rather have my roof and gun modules knocked out then take damage.

    HEAT MP VS HEAT / TANDEM (atgms also)

    HEATMP really got slapped, we're all to used to it. 
    again, less big numbers for a HE splat. Does it make it less rewarding? Yes.

    That's not the full case, if it does pen, it should do FAR more damage to modules inside with the cone, unlike the HEAT tandem.

    TANDEM have seen consistent numbers while doing far more pain to point of impact.

    There will always be a trade off, since the new ERA system. Results will be, different.

    If the rounds suck, they'll deal with it. It takes time to processes how good or poorly a tank is doing. Rather then yelling: lol the heat succs.

    What can we take out of this? 
    Without changes, ones we may like or not, they're still moving ahead, our games are likely to changes since most of us sit at tier 8-10.
    Does this fix the creep?
    Not by much, some tanks are worse off, but... not set in stone. 

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