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Posts posted by zenoniations

  1. 9 hours ago, ceejee007 said:

    Shall be my lack of knowledge, but regarding the "RoD achievements got nuked too, along with the entire Black Company spec ops achievements category", what is there been changed ?

    Could you pls enlighten me ;-)


    Those achievements are disappeared.

  2. On 4/5/2020 at 3:58 AM, MK_Regular said:

    I made a spreadsheet 4 weeks ago based on the leaked K2 stats. iirc the guns' stats have not changed in those 4 weeks, so the spreadsheet should still be valid:


    To explain the spreadsheet:

    • Boxes with green text and green fill have the best time for a given number of shots, with yellow text and yellow fill showing the best time on the 2nd best gun and red text and red fill showing the best time on the worst gun. 
    • All of the boxes with green text but no fill have better times than the box with yellow text and yellow fill, but not as good as the green text and green fill.
    • All of the boxes with black text and no fill are have better times than the box with red text and red fill, but worse than the bow with yellow text and yellow fill.
    • All of the boxes with red text and no fill are worse than the option in the same column with red text and red fill.

    Green text and green fill -green text but no fill -yellow text and yellow fill -> black text and no fill -> red text and red fill -> red text and no fill


    Note that these values do not take any retrofits or commander/crew skills into account.

    It seems like the magazine loader with a single capacity upgrade and a single clip RoF upgrade gives the best sustained DPM, with the single shot gun being ~80 DPM behind it and he magazine loader with 2 capacity upgrades another ~50 DPM behind that. Any of these options are pretty good, and the option a player chooses can likely be compensated by personal preferences and playstyles.

    The onle thing I will say is that the ready rack is pretty trash. Even with upgrades, the ready rack's DPM is worse than the stock gun without any upgrades (yes, really). However, depending the ready rack does have a few potential use cases depending on how many shots are needed to kill specific targets (and how much DPM you are willing to sacrifice). If a target needs anywhere between 3-5 shots to kill, the ready rack with various upgrades has the best ttk of any of the gun options (note that the magazine + cyclic + capacity only takes an extra 1.8 seconds to fire its 3rd shot that  ready rack + 2x cyclic). Once you get to the 6th shot though, the magazine loader gets ahead of the ready rack and stays ahead, while the single-shot gun takes until the 8th shot to pass the ready rack.


    TL;DR: Use one of the following setups:

    • (5793 DPM) Magazine with capacity + clip RoF
    • (5711 DPM) Single shot with 2x RoF
    • (5664 DPM) Magazine with 2x capacity

    Do not use the ready rack unless you are willing to sacrifice >20% of your DPM to kill isolated targets with no more than 3k HP and can guarantee that every shot does full damage.

    Please update the new stats from update 0.33.
    Original magazine has one more ammo cap.

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