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7 hours ago, Haswell said:

I've seen Juan being thrown around a lot for lights, but why?

He gets two bonuses - 32 metres view range and 5% camo increase when further than 25m from friendlies.  If you play the LT right you are always in a flanking position, trying to turn the enemy so your main force can get side shots or better yet you get side shots while still well at of their view range.

7 hours ago, Haswell said:

I had always opted to use paint over gun breech for squishies, vision control is far more important to me than marginal increases in raw DPM.

Similar reasoning here to Juan, you should be out of view range of the enemy when you are doing most of your engaging, hence less need for paint and more for DPM.  However since I mostly play Tier 9 and 10s with the extra slot I can use both improved gun breech and paint, so the choice is less of a problem.

11 hours ago, LeoAegisMaximus said:

What is your recommendation on the Terminator? i think it was a lord's of war package you could purchase during the alpha with the tier 8 terminator? last patch it got a apfsds round for its autocannon? Is a ramka 99 or the 2017 Terminator competition to it? 

What about the tier 9 T-40 Lerclerc TD? 

Have not played the Terminators since the patch so cant comment on the changes.  At Tier 8 I did prefer the BMPT Model 2017, but I usually play the Terminator 2 as I prefer Tier 9 and 10 level for the higher XP.  As for the Leclerc T40, the missiles are crap, but the auto-cannon makes up for it.  As for commander I use Alisa for the increase ammo bonus.



7 hours ago, Haswell said:

I've seen Juan being thrown around a lot for lights, but why?

He gets two bonuses - 32 metres view range and 5% camo increase when further than 25m from friendlies.  If you play the LT right you are always in a flanking position, trying to turn the enemy so your main force can get side shots or better yet you get side shots while still well at of their view range.

7 hours ago, Haswell said:

I had always opted to use paint over gun breech for squishies, vision control is far more important to me than marginal increases in raw DPM.

Similar reasoning here to Juan, you should be out of view range of the enemy when you are doing most of your engaging, hence less need for paint and more for DPM.  However since I mostly play Tier 9 and 10s with the extra slot I can use both improved gun breech and paint, so the choice is less of a problem.

10 hours ago, LeoAegisMaximus said:

What is your recommendation on the Terminator? i think it was a lord's of war package you could purchase during the alpha with the tier 8 terminator? last patch it got a apfsds round for its autocannon? Is a ramka 99 or the 2017 Terminator competition to it? 

What about the tier 9 T-40 Lerclerc TD? 

Have not played the Terminators since the patch so cant comment on the changes.  At Tier 8 I did prefer the BMPT Model 2017, but I usually play the Terminator 2 as I prefer Tier 9 and 10 level for the higher XP.  As for the Leclerc T40, the missiles are crap, but the auto-cannon makes up for it.

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