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Posts posted by Beady_Eyed_Bob

  1. 3 hours ago, Spyshadow01 said:

    Because that's how the game denotes average damage.  I got my 665 figure from the game itself.


    The error here is the assumption that 665 is an "Average" and that the game is telling you that 665 is an "average". 

    It is not.  The game is telling you that 665 is the BASE number from which all subsequent modifiers(RNG, distance to target, armor thickness, etc.) are calculated.  The value of 665 is not any kind of an average.  It's still very useful as a measure for comparison.

    When you say I'm wrong, that the average damage value I provided (775) is incorrect becaue "I got my 665 figure from the game itself", I must protest.  I'm not the one who's wrong here.

    I'm tired of beating this dead horse.  We'll just have to settle for the ol' agree to disagree disagreement...I hope.

  2. So really 665 is not an AVERAGE at all.  If penetration is successful(yippie!), the 665 value is the BASE damage value from which subsequent modifiers are calculated.

    A true average would take into consideration all possible variables.  I think it  is wrong to claim 665 is an average value.  It is not.

    I stand corrected!

  3. If you say so Spyshadow01.  I don't know what your stated 665 average is based upon, other than possibly starting at the maximum and recipacating the variables to a base value .  The range of values I've given are based on the in game text of the missle description, a simple mean based on those two numbers alone.

    Why would you exclude the variables from your "average"?  It's not like shooting a thin skinned enemy is a rarity.  I shoot a shi-metric load of them.  It definitely influences the average.

  4. Much like Norse_Viking, I had a thought of running spec ops at tier 5 in a group of (5) XM247's and do a bit of exploring.

    In the American series tier 10 Spec Op's, I ran the first 2 chapters in a platoon like 10 times in a row.  I was so sick of those maps I don't think I ever play them again.  If the regular pve maps are predictable....

    Maybe I'll look for a battalion to join.

  5. My BMPT 2017 (tier 8 Premium) Ataka "M" damage range is 599-951, hence my claim of 775 average.

    Now that I know specifically which "tier 8 Premium", the article makes perfect sense.  Consistant use of the more explicit "BMPT Terminator Prototype" or just "Prototype" in place of the generic "tier 8 Premium" would have been my choice for the article.

    So thank you Spyshadow01.  Now I'll just wander off and find something else to be confused about.

  6. I'm confused (but I'm used to it),

    I have a BMPT 2017.

    Stats on Ataka "M" are pen = 950, avg damg = 775, 3 second firing delay between missles.

    Stats on Kornet-E are pen = 1000, avg damg = 760, 4 second firing delay between missles.(edit: may drop to 3 with Commander).

    I have to wonder if this "improvement" is worth losing an autocannon over.


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