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Posts posted by 44sunsets

  1. On 12/5/2023 at 10:27 PM, Qbicle said:

    You start at rank 1 when you have access to the BP, so you need to go up 19 ranks i.e. 95,000 coins to get the Boxer CRV.

    Ah I see, thank you. That definitely makes the Boxer CRV attainable for me, it looks like a really fun vehicle. It's a pity it doesn't get a hard-kill APS though, it's going to be extremely vulnerable to ATGM spam.

  2. On 4/18/2023 at 8:44 PM, Kain said:

    Thanks I keep that in mind. Had no part offers for the Deri till now. I tried it in the test map but couldnt get used to it.

    The Alabino Polygon test map is only of limited use TBH, since it doesn't let you pick your commander and retrofits, which can significantly affect the end result. And you don't get to try the upgrades either unfortunately.

    The stock Derivatsiya is very strong already, but the Battle Path upgrades make it extremely OP -- particularly the muzzle flash suppressor (Camo penalty from shooting is reduced by 50%) and the ligher bolt carrier (Autocannon rate of fire is increased by 56%, Barrel overheat rate is increased by 67%) which slightly increases your overall DPM. This makes the Deri a near-invisible monster which can shoot basically non-stop at ranges of 200-250m without getting detected by the enemy bots -- there's only a few autocannon AFVs which are stealthy enough to pull off this extremely valuable trick.

  3. What's everyone's favourite upgrade setup with the Derivatsiya, do you use the lightweight bolt for 50% higher ROF, faster overheating and less accuracy, or do you go for the slower-firing option with essentially no overheating?

    And what's the deal with the semi-guided PELE autocannon rounds on this vehicle -- it seems like they can only hit targets which are either stationary or moving very slowly; whenever I shoot at fast moving targets with the PELE rounds, all the shots seem to miss. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong?

    For me, what makes the Derithingy so OP is that it has excellent camo and firing the autocannon still retains the majority of the camo factor, instead of rapidly bleeding down to zero and getting instantly spotted like most other autocannon AFVs. Plus of course the unusually high penetration ammo and the higher than normal DPM don't hurt either!

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