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Posts posted by SSSK

  1. A nice vehicle, tho if U compare whit Draco it is behind him, when autoloader is empty U have to w8 and look to the stars. Heat projectiles are really nice.

    Upgrade path that I chose is: Improved gunner sight, heat projectile, improved loading mechanism,  spall liner,  smoke launchers, SCUDO, ROMOR, Engine, ap projectile, universal retrofit slot

    U can't realy bounce anything, and it is a whelled vehicle which sometimes can be inconvenient.

    Disclaimer I am not an expert in AW and my statements are my personal opinion also my point of view covers the PVE aspect of the game.


  2. This is an excellent vehicle and very nice for his tier.

    Upgrade path that I chose is: Improved FCS, Ammo Feeder, upgraded projectile, improved wheels, smoke launchers, spall liner, universal retrofit slot

    U can't realy bounce anything, and it is a whelled vehicle which sometimes can be inconvenient.

    Disclaimer I am not an expert in AW and my statements are my personal opinion also my point of view covers the PVE aspect of the game.


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