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QoL Improvements: we're going full retard edition

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43 minutes ago, Lenticulas said:

Since if you BHed a T10, you get no benefit from No Tier 11 & 12, they might adjust the MM so, you would be more often in games like


1 hour ago, Azdule said:

The way I am reading from the description it would just mean that you would have +1 / -2 MM so I think it would be mainly aimed at tier 8's so they don't fight tier 10's.  Maybe tier 7 but I'm not sure they get matched to tier 9 often


It has been a long time since the discussion of battle tiers has come up.  The last time I heard anything about that it was done away with when the server merge occurred.


"If you were not birthed with claws or fangs, store bought will do just fine."

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I think the definition of QoL improvements are a little off. What would be QoL improvement is not playing the same map and mission multiple times in a 1-2 hour pve gaming session.... very repetitive and boring.

or not having to sit there blankly staring at the screen for 30 seconds at the beginning. Reduce that down to 5 or 10 seconds countdown is all you need...so frustrating and such a waste of time especially evident during a battle path when you are required to play 1000s of battles . Every second spent watching that countdown is painful.

lastly, why do we have some reskin and premiums allocated to dealers then majority are not. Really hate missions asking for a specific dealer tank. You go find said dealer with your mind set on that sweet reskin premium you worked hard to get only to find it won’t count for the mission because it not allocated to a dealer even though it’s a copy of the tech tree version ? Very strange.

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Actually most of the reskin prems do count with the normal progression tanks of them; and by that I mean the Wolf/Merc/Black Eagle/Ice stuff.

They need to assign all the other premiums to a dealer.


As for the maps repeating, that's what you get with a map rotation system.

I'd rather have a lobby system (think L4D1/2 or Payday1/2 style) that shows what map the lobby starter wants to play with a lobby name that could state what tier they want to play at and whether or not arty is wanted.  Ex I could make a lobby with the name "T8 -1 TD/1 LT/1 AFV - No Arty" [meaning I wanna play t8's with no arty at all and only 1 of each class with at least 2 mbt's, should the lobby names be that long]

Or players could que for a map and when 5 players within the tier range want to play the same map, they go in. Or better yet, players que for a few maps at once, and are shown the player tanks before deciding to play that one when 5 in a tier range want to play the same map.

As for the ones (mostly the devs and others) who'll say some maps will start not to be played anymore since they have low xp/credit multipiers.. then the solution is simple, make the multipliers for the maps the same. If a player does 1k damage, 1k assist damage, and spots 5 tanks in map A and map B, they should get the same pay out for both. It shouldn't matter if one of the maps has more bots than the other or one takes longer to win than the other, the player did the same amount of "work" both times, the pay off should be the same (unless it's the same stats in a PVE game vs a PVP game).

Edited by TekNicTerror (see edit history)

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