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GLOPS: Why Capping is more important than Killing enemy tanks. (proof)

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Killing vs. Capping ... what gets you most points?

Because ... whoever scores the most points wins, right?
Roy: "Very good Pris, now show him why."


Points you get from Killing Tanks
Killing a red tank scores 25 points.

On average, the winning team kills about 15 more tanks than the losing team, let's be generous and say it's 20
so they get + 20x25 = +500 points

+500 more points than the enemy, for the whole match. (remember this number)


Points you get from Capping
If you hold a cap zone, the enemy loses points, every 3 seconds.
The more cap zones you hold, the more points they lose, per second.

AND, as the game goes on, you get EVEN MORE more points per 3 seconds, in the 3 phases of the game.
Something like this:

  • 5 points per cap, every 3 seconds, in the first phase
    - caps change location -
  • 7 points per cap, every 3 seconds, in the second phase
    - caps change location again -
  • 9 points per cap, every 3 seconds, in the third and final phase

NOTE: The numbers of points varies (I think), from map to map; as does the number of caps, so the figures are approximate.

"Well how many points, in total is that? ", you ask

If the map has 3 caps in each phase, &
If we say it takes 1 minute to arrive at a cap zone, and capture it,
therefore: all the caps are held for 4 minutes, in a 15 minute match.

First phase: 3 caps x 4 minutes x 5 points x 1/3 seconds = 1200 points
Second phase: 3 caps x 4 minutes x 7 points x 1/3 seconds = 1680 points
Third phase: 3 caps x 4 minutes x 9 points x 1/3 seconds = 2160 points

That's potentially 5040 points!!

A more realistic scenario:
is your team gets cap 1, the enemy gets cap 2, and you fight over number 3.
so really you are only going to get +1 cap more than the enemy, if you see what I mean.

if you hold +1 Cap more than the enemy, for all phases of the match, you get + 5040/3 more than the red team.
= +1680 points.

Kill:   +500 pts         <-- this number is small
Cap:   +1680 pts     <-- this number is way bigger!

Over 3x the points of killing, AND anyway, the team that caps most, ALSO usually gets the most kills!


[tl:dr] Or to put it another way ...
The points advantage you get, for killing all the tanks in the ENTIRE MATCH (+500),
That 500pts can be wiped out, by just ONE guy, in an AFV, sneaking into ONE cap zone,
and taking it, and no one bothering to get it back, for about 3 minutes.


PS. If I've messed up the maths, please tell me and I'll sneakily change it, and then deny it was wrong in the first place :-)

Edited by Lenticulas
spelling, punctuation, general mischief (see edit history)

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To make it shorter to hold a cap more then the enemy team for 167 seconds matches the 500 points gotten by killing 20 more tanks in a whole match.

If a match lasts 10 minutes, so 600 seconds it means that holding a cap more for a little more then 25% of the time is as effective as killing 20 more tanks, and also, as some players act in a very selfish way, caring more of their personal result, farming damage and kills, to cap is very rewarding for the player that does it. So often i see that the one that did the most damage and kills does not rank very high as other players with less damage was well rewarded by capping. 

And I believe that it is a very important thing to understand, that some players completely miss, not only no cap no win is true but also no cap no good personal result as usually who gets the gold medal in a won match is the one that did damage and kills, but also cared about capping, while i see often in the loosing time the iron medal having a lot of damage and kills but no points for capping.

To focus on kills and damage is not wrong, but only if you do that to allow some other friendly tank to win the battle for a cap, a sniper that kills the enemy low health tanks and soften the high health ones while your front liners are brawling against enemy tanks to win a cap is as useful as the MBT that actually caps after winning the brawling, while a sniper that focuses on other not important points of the map, maybe killing some tank that is not doing anything to help his team to cap and win is not so useful for the party.

Not all tanks are designed to cap, you need some armor or very good mobility to do it, but all the tanks  can in their own way give their contribution to win the caps.

Edited by BumbaX (see edit history)

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